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(um, over 2000 words again..)


"Go to sleep now baby, you have a long day awaiting you tomorrow."


Minho had woken up the next day, in horrible pain, especially in his back and his ass. He grumbled something, looking around to see if Jeongin was still with him.

Unfortunately, no, he was not. He sighed, trying to stand up, but ending up falling to the floor with a loud thud. "Ow!" he screamed, his legs nearly breaking into pieces. He covered his mouth instantly, scared he wasn't allowed to talk anymore.

Instantly, Jeongin rushed in, along with Changbin. "You could've just called for me y'know," Jeongin laughed, walking toward the boy on the floor.

Changbin followed him, planning on picking Minho up and taking him to the kitchen to eat breakfast. "Also, we've decided to let you speak, we just won't tell your old owners," Minho's eyes widened, and suddenly he gained insane strength in his legs.

He stood up and ran to them, hugging them tightly. "Thank you," he smiled, repeating his thanks multiple times. The other two just chuckled lightly at Minho's happiness, before taking him to the kitchen, where the others were waiting for him.

"So, Minho," Jisung suddenly said, watching as the said boy sat himself down at one of the bar stools. "How was last night?"

Minho's ears flushed red, watching as everyone laid their eyes on him. "I-I don't know," he whispered, rubbing his thighs together from nervousness. "It was alright, I guess."

"I can fuck you better," Jisung spat again, getting a hit on the back of his head by Chan.

"Jisung! Do not say such things," the oldest man scolded, shaking his head in disappointment. Minho giggled softly, tapping his fingers against the surface in front of him.

Felix suddenly came over to Minho with fresh waffles, with whipped cream and strawberries, and syrup drizzled on top. His eyes widened, looking up at the freckled boy, he had never seen such good looking food.

"Eat up darling," Felix smiled, handing him a fork and a knife, so he could eat it neatly. "You have a long day ahead of you."

Minho began to eat instantly, eating the waffles quickly, getting a bit of the whipped cream around his lips. He ate the strawberries happily, swinging his feet and humming a random tune as he finished the plate quickly.

The seven other men watched him, eyeing down the cream surrounding his pink, puffy lips, their eyes beginning to fill with hunger. Suddenly, Chan lunged forward, grabbing Minho's chin and forcing their lips together.

The younger boy gasped, his eyes widening slightly, his hands letting go of the metal utensils and gripping onto Chan's shirt. The older man groaned from the taste, getting the strong flavor of cream and strawberries.

The other men, who were not practically eating Minho's face off, stared in anger. Why the fuck did Chan get to Minho's messy lips first? Absolutely not fair, to them at least.

Chan finally pulled away, staring into Minho's eyes. The others instantly pushed the oldest off the other boy, kissing Minho as well.

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