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(this is still technically two days until the decision but im gonna make it say one.. since jisung is the last person minho has to fuck with)

(also.. over 4000 words)

(ah.. warnings: sounding kink, rough sex, hitting, insane marking, multiple orgasms/rounds, blindfolding, facefucking, rough oral sex, dry orgasm, edging, whipping, degradation, yet also praise, spit kink, ignoring safe word, passing out and maybe more)

A loud scream was heard, and Hyunjin knew that Minho would be dead the next day.

Mercy? Unlikely.


Days left until the decision: 1.


"Take your fucking clothes off and get on the bed," Jisung demanded, the angry vein in his forehead dramatically close to bursting, as he glared at Minho so hard that it practically put a hole in his head.

"Sungie- Can't we just do this tomorrow?" Minho asked as he visibly trembled from the tone of Jisung's voice. He could easily tell he was angry, furious even, without even looking at the male, he could still tell.

Jisung growled and raised his hand, slapping Minho across the face with a loud smack. The older let out a cry of pain, tears stirring up in his eyes as his head stayed jerked to the side, biting on his bottom lip from the sting that stayed for what seemed like forever.

"Take. Your. Clothes. Off." the younger demanded once again, and of course Minho quickly obliged this time, everything coming off in an instant. "Get on the bed, on your knees, I have to get a few things."

Minho nodded, pursing his lips in order to help himself not cry, the painful sting of the slap still lingering on his face. He scurried over to the bed, getting in the middle of it, moving to get into the position Jisung wanted him in. He waited patiently, looking down in his lap as the other male obtained a few things that were unfamiliar.

Jisung brought back a blindfold, cock ring, and a vibrator. All of these were unfamiliar to Minho's eyes, his face contorting in confusion as he glanced down at the things the younger laid down upon the mattress, before looking up at the said male.

"What are these?" Minho asked with a quivering tone. He had to admit, he was pretty scared, in fact really scared. Jisung had quite literally slapped him right across the face, he knew there was more to come.

"Stuff," Jisung grumbled in response, as he brought up the silk blindfold, laying it over Minho's eyes and tying it behind his head, making sure it was tight enough so it could stay perfectly on his head.

Minho began to tremble once again, everything went dark around him. He wanted to see Jisung's face, he was scared, scared of the dark, scared of what was about to come. "S-Sungie?"

"I'm still here baby, just getting something ready," Minho calmed down instantly at those words, body relaxing as he sat perfectly still, waiting patiently for this moment to continue.

Suddenly, he felt something wrap around his cock, his jaw going slack at the sudden feeling. Feeling it wrap around the base and tighten, he began to feel around the bed, eyebrows furrowed from both confusion and stimulation. "Wh-What is this?"

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