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also over 2000 words again..


"Sleep well my angel, you deserve a break."


7:30 am.

Minho had woken up a couple of hours later, looking around the dark room, noticing how Chan was no longer beside him. He looked around with a sad pout, hearing noisy commotion outside of the room, his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

He noticed he was now in an oversized T-shirt with only boxers under, a soft pout forming on his face, watching as goosebumps arose upon his skin. He shivered at the cold air, looking around once again.

He stood up, yelping once he collided with the floor, his knees crashing against the wooden surface, a loud thud echoing. He grumbled, standing up once again, groaning from the pain in his lower back.

"I need a massage," he mumbled, before wobbly making his way out of Chan's room, hearing the loud voices become louder and louder with each step he took.

"Chan, I was supposed to have him second!" a voice screamed, recognized as Hyunjin, who seemed quite upset to Minho's ears. "Plus, we never agreed on it!"

"You can have him third then! I had him second and that's that," Chan yelled back, rolling his eyes and scoffing lightly at how upset the boy was.

Minho had walked into the room, staring at the group of people constantly bickering back and forth, listening closely.

"Chan, I'm having him third!" another male screamed, recognizing the voice as Changbin, who also seemed in distress based on the tone in his voice. He huffed, crossing his muscular arms across his chest.

"Oh my god! How about we ask Minho who he wants next?" Seungmin interrupted the stupid fight, looking at the other six with furrowed eyebrows. Mutters of agreement were heard, and suddenly it had gone silent.

The seven turned to the boy who had just walked in, staring at him with desperate eyes. "Minho," Jisung spoke, walking towards the boy and hugging him unexpectedly. "Who do you want next?"

He thought for a moment, hugging the other male back, as he looked at the small group of people he hadn't slept with yet. "C-Can I have Binnie?" he asked with a soft tone, staring at the muscular man.

He heard Jisung mutter something, watching as he pulled off him. "Alright, Changbin, he wants you next," he sighed, turning to the said boy, and looking at him with a glare.

The man smiled, rushing over to Minho and hugging him tightly. "Just tell me when you wanna start and we can," Changbin whispered into the male's ear, "You seem tired so we don't have to start now."

The older nodded in response, hugging the male back tightly, burying his face into his shoulder, and inhaling his scent. He hummed slightly, falling into Changbin's embrace.

The others watched in jealousy, a glare forming on their faces as they stared at the muscular one, their hands on their hips as they kept the cold look.

"We can.. tonight? If not, that'd be morning sex," he whispered, smiling as he got a soft laugh in response. The male hugged him tighter, before picking him up and taking him to his room, sort of startling the boy but he soon let him take him away.

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