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"I cannot wait to see him tomorrow."


Minho yelped as he was dragged violently into Jeongin's room, being slammed against the wall harshly, his back striking the surface behind him.

"Listen here, slut, I'm gonna let you talk, alright?" Jeongin stated, holding Minho's head up by his chin, their lips centimeters apart. "Be as loud as you fucking want, the others deserve to know who fucks you the best."

Minho gasped, his eyes wide with pure fear. He stayed silent, panting heavily against the younger's lips, their breaths tingling against each other.

Suddenly, the younger crashed their lips together, grabbing Minho's wrists and pinning them above his head, forcing out a whine from the confined boy. He forced his tongue into Minho's mouth, exploring the wet and warm cavern, zero effort used to win dominance over the other.

The older boy whined, his wrists aching from the tight grip the younger had on them, bruises sure to be left behind. A knee had slid between his legs, and a loud moan was ripped from his throat. Ah fuck, Jeongin's leg was pushing up against his constricted erection, constantly grinding against it.

Minho disconnected their lips, panting heavily, a string of saliva connecting their mouths. His eyebrows furrowed as a thin layer of sweat glowed on his tannish skin, he looked beautiful.

"You wanna cum like this?" Jeongin asked, lifting one of his hands to Minho's lips, and running his thumb over the glossy skin. "Or do you just wanna be fucked?"

Minho thought for a moment, biting back moans and whimpers of pleasure, ignoring the knee thrusting up against his continuously growing hard-on.

"F-Fucked? I-I don't-" Jeongin chuckled, letting go of the other's wrists, gripping his waist tightly, sure to leave marks behind.

"Let me take good care of you, darling," Jeongin whispered into the male's ear, before picking him up, throwing him over his shoulder, and slamming him down onto the bed.

Minho yelped once again, letting out a soft grunt when he collided with the bed. He stared up at Jeongin with wide eyes, watching as the fox-like boy began to strip himself of his clothing.

Jeongin soon crawled on top of Minho, forcing his legs wide open, giving him a chance to rip off his boxers. "Prep or no?" the youngest had asked, leaning over to the bedside table, and grabbing a bottle of strawberry-flavored lube.

"J-Just fuck me! I-I'll get used to the stretch," Jeongin smiled, before going serious.

"Darling, you'll regret that," Minho trembled, sputtering a few random words before covering his face, and pursing his lips.

"Just do it! I can handle it!" he replied with a loud tone, shivering from the cold air, watching as goosebumps arose upon his body.

Jeongin sighed, dribbling some lube on his hands, slicking himself up before aligning his tip with Minho's heat. Pushing in slightly, Minho had already been in pain, a soft cry was heard from him.

"Shh, baby, I got you," Jeongin whispered, rubbing Minho's stomach as he continued to push in gradually, letting out a soft groan from the warm tight walls surrounding his length.

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