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somnophilia - sexual activities with an unconscious someone.


Suddenly, a smack was heard, and a loud scream as well.


There was a ton of commotion.

Chan had struck Changbin in the face, causing him to drop Minho and accidentally had him collide with the floor. He yelped in pain, his bottom clashing with the hard, wooden floor.

"Chan! What the fuck?!" Jisung yelled, pushing the oldest away from Changbin, staring at him in anger. "Not only did you hurt Bin, but you also hurt Minho! What is wrong with you?!"

"He fucking marked him, Sung! What was I supposed to do?! Just leave it alone?!" Chan yelled back, pushing the younger as well. He then looked at the third oldest, the vein in his forehead nearly about to burst from anger. "I get that you're the damn marker, but it doesn't give you the right to fucking mark our pet!"

"Shut the hell up, Chan! Just be glad he's marked as ours!" Changbin instantly talked back, stepping towards the elder, nearly tripping over Minho, who was currently frozen in fear, trembling on the floor.

Seungmin soon noticed it, and instantly grabbed the boy by his hand, dragging him upwards and bringing him into a hug, letting him cry into his arms. "Shh, it's okay, don't worry."

The yelling soon went up a notch, and the three; Changbin, Chan, and Jisung, were soon in a fistfight. The others tried to stop them, grabbing their hands and shirts, trying to tug them off each other.

"Guys! Stop!" Felix cried, grabbing Changbin's wrist and stopping his hand from hitting Chan. "This isn't right!"

Minho began to cry louder, he trembled helplessly in Seungmin's arms, hiding his tear-soaked face in the younger's shirt, dampening it with his tears. Seungmin comforted him, caressing his back and patting it lightly, watching the fight while doing so.

Jisung threw a punch at Chan, striking him in the nose, watching as blood began to trickle down. Soon enough, the oldest busted Jisung's lip, watching as blood gushed out. Changbin pulled them apart, getting hurt in the process.

Minho looked back to catch a glimpse of the scene, gasping at the amount of blood dripping from Chan's bruised nose, Jisung's busted lip, and the swelling cut in Changbin's eyebrow. He began to cry harder. He blamed himself for all of that, why did he let Changbin mark him?

"It's okay, baby, wanna go to my room?" Seungmin asked softly, lowering his hands down to the back of Minho's thighs so he could pick up the boy easily. Once he nodded, the younger instantly picked up Minho, carrying him gently as his legs wrapped around the younger's waist.

The others didn't even realize the two leaving, as the fight continued, yet no longer physical. The three continued to yell at each other, everyone else trying to stop it. Aside from Seungmin and Minho, who are now in their own (not so) wholesome world.


Seungmin took the older into his room, shutting and locking the door behind him. "Do you wanna cuddle?" he asked with a caring tone, still caressing Minho's back gently, frowning softly at the soft sobs.

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