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over 3000 words ! 💕

also rushed chapter .. hopefully it was good cuz like idk how it was gonna go !

QUICK A/N: there's kind of a mix-up in this chapter.

sub top minho
dom bottom felix

sorry .. i just dont feel like top fits felix 😖 so i made him a dom bottom since it fits him better ! now onto the story cuz this is boring


"Go to sleep, baby, I'll be here when you wake up."


Minho woke up the following morning, back aching like hell, yet feeling as snug as a bug in a rug. He looked up, seeing Seungmin sleeping cozily beside him, still holding the older tightly in his arms.

The man's lips curved upwards into a gentle smile as he leaned in and nestled his face into the younger person's chest. He closed his eyes and focused on the rhythmic beating of the boy's heart. The sound was calming, and he felt a sense of comfort and safety being held in the boy's arms.

The warmth emanating from the boy's body enveloped him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. The softness of the embrace and the reassuring thud of the boy's heartbeat created a perfect moment of peace and tranquility for him.

He sighed of contentment, feeling Seungmin's arms tighten around him, he looked up again, letting out a soft giggle once he saw the younger looking back into his eyes. He noticed a gleam of admiration in his eyes, blinking slowly, as silence filled the room, he couldn't help but feel like he was finally cared for correctly. This warmth wasn't familiar, Seungmin was special, special to him.

"Good morning, Baby," Seungmin grinned, leaning down to peck Minho's pretty, puffy lips. Minho smiled and whispered the same thing back in response, hugging the younger tightly. He turned to the side, looking at the clock on the bedside table.

"It's 1 PM," Minho spoke, turning back to the other with wide eyes. "We slept in a lot," he giggled right after, burying his face into Seungmin's chest, as he listened to the heartbeat that awarded him a comforting atmosphere like before.

"Mm, I know," Seungmin replied with a smug look, he sighed right after, looking around the room as he raised one of his hands to caress Minho's back. "We should rest for the whole day, you gotta get fucked today anyways."

Minho whined and shook his head, grumbling things as he tugged Seungmin's body closer to him if that was even possible. He mumbled something, only just confusing the younger with his incoherent complaints.

"What?" Seungmin asked, laughing softly at the boy's silly behavior. He couldn't comprehend what he was saying, so it was all just funny to him. "Hey, it was your choice to pick to get fucked 7 days in a row, don't complain about it now!"

"But," Minho sighed, just staying silent and hugging Seungmin like it was the end of the world, inhaling his scent that was ridiculously intoxicating. He shut his eyes tightly, wanting to go back to sleep.

"Nope, get up baby, brunch is cooking right now!" the younger laughed, as he got off the bed with one swift movement, picking up Minho bridal style before making his way out of his bedroom.

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