22: Awakening

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The light around Manuel faded. He was laying on the track, surrounded by his team and a bunch of medics.

"Heart rate is still normal... It's weird. It was as if he was just sleeping the whole time." One of the medics said. "He'll be fine. It looks like he's coming around right now."

Manuel bolted up. "What happened?!"

"You won the race." Throttle said. "Congratulations." Throttle then punched him in the shoulder just enough to hurt.

"OW!" Manuel exclaimed. "What was that for?!"

"Being reckless." Throttle said with a grin. "Don't scare me like that again, okay?"

Yuya then walked up from the back of the Diablo, followed by Rim Fire.

"Luckily, you didn't do anything too major." Yuya complimented with sarcasm. "You just destroyed the head gasket, and bent some of the valves after the belts snapped. We can have the car running again for a victory lap after a quick head swap in the pit stop."

Manuel breathed a sigh of relief. At least the car wasn't destroyed. Then he remembered! Hector! The Sanctuary! Was it all a dream? Or was this really the last time he would see him? Tears started to run from Manuel's eyes at the realization of what had just occurred.

"Hey! What's with the waterworks?!" Yuya exclaimed. "We've just won Redline thanks to this victory! Cheer up!"

Manuel got up, and put on his sunglasses, hiding his tears from the cameras as he put on a melancholy smile. He raised his hand in the air as the crowd went wild with applause. The cheers form the streets and makeshift stands echoed through the city, as confetti flew everywhere from the skyscrapers while Manuel and Project: D were filmed by small camera drones overhead as they celebrated.

But for Manuel, this was the most shallow victory he had ever felt. It stung him inside worse than the most bitter defeat imaginable...

He wondered if he would ever see Hector again.

# # # # # # # #

After the victory events, Manuel retired to his hotel room. He had held his sadness inside during the victory lap, and was considering declining the on-camera interviews tomorrow morning. He flopped down on the bed, exhausted. The realization of what had happened was now starting to sink in. Hector had passed on, and for all he knew, he wasn't coming back.

Manuel started sobbing uncontrollably. "Hector... How can I do this now? I still need to honor what I promised you..."

"You already have." An all-too-familiar voice said in the room.

Manuel paused for a moment. Then, he sat up, turning to the left.

Near the window of the hotel room was an apparition of Hector himself!

"You don't need to feel bad anymore, Manuel. You have made me happy in more ways than you can possibly imagine. You've carried your team to victory in Redline, and have made a name for Earth. Don't worry about missing me. It's not like you won't see me again. We will always be able to see each other in the Sanctuary. There's more than one way of getting there than just speed."

Manuel looked at Hector, the light coming back to his eyes. "How? Hector, please tell me. I don't want to just leave you alone!"

"I am never alone, Manuel." Hector said. "Throttle's family helps keep me company, along with many others. As for seeing me in the Sanctuary, all you have to do is enter it via dreams. Just think of me and the Sanctuary, and you will be there when you dream. Now chin up, you have a lot ahead of you. For starters, finishing up your business on Mars, then seeking out the guidance of the Angel R of Tokyo. The Pawn. Don't worry, It will all make sense when you remember the poem. Now I have to go, for I believe Throttle is coming to the door to talk to you. Just remember: Dream of the Sanctuary, and we will see each other."

Hector then walked off out of the window, onto thin air, and vanished once more. Then Throttle walked into the room, followed by Takumi, Akio, and Yuya.

"Manuel, are you okay?" He asked. "...We've noticed you been a bit melancholy about your Redline Victory. Care to talk about it?"

Manuel turned to Throttle, smiling genuinely. "I... Have been a little sad, but I think I'm over that now. Throttle, I think I've gone through a sort of... Awakening as we've went through Redline, and I want to share it with all of you."

Throttle pulled up a chair from a nearby desk, and sat down as the others settled in on the couch.

"Share away." Throttle said with a smile.

Manuel smiled, then proceeded to tell them of Hector and his experience in the Sanctuary of Speed.

# # # # #

"So, you think Hector's spirit helped you through this Awakening?" Throttle asked after Manuel explained everything.

"I believe so." Manuel said. "It now makes sense."

"Indeed." Takumi said. "Especially considering what Shinji drew what your racing aura looks like."

Manuel tilted his head. "My aura?"

Takumi then held up a sketch pad, and showed the group a rendition of Manuel's Diablo with a oriental style, blue-colored dragon circling his car.

Manuel was taken aback by this. "...Cool."

"There's also something Stoker wanted to talk to you about." Throttle said. Manuel turned to Stoker.

"...This is going to come as a bit of a shock. I didn't want to tell you during the Redline event because there was too much at stake." Stoker explained. "I knew your brother a long time ago, before you even met Throttle."

Everything was still for a moment. Then, Manuel broke the silence.

"Care to tell me what kind of trouble you and him got into back in the day?" He asked with a smile.

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