3: Catching up

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An hour later, on the upper level at Freedom Fighter HQ...

"So, just how is this Redline event going to play out?" Manuel asked Throttle. "How will the events work?"

"I'll have to show you when Yuya is done repairing Takumi's eight six." Throttle said, going over to a computer. "He will need to understand how it works, too."

"Alright." Manuel said. He got some soda from an old dispensing machine, then walked over to where Throttle was, sitting at a computer console, a scowl on his face. Manuel then recognized some of the pictures as Plutarkian and Catatonian, along with several other alien species he didn't recognize that looked reptilian and avian.

"Mars' Most Wanted?" Manuel asked Jokingly as he took a sip.

"I wish." Throttle said bitterly. "...They're contestants that are going to be at Redline."

Manuel immediately spat out his drink on the floor. "What?!" He coughed. "The fish and cats at Redline?! Why...?! How...? After all they did?!"

"The government is using this as a chance for covert research." A lone Mouse said, walking up. He was dressed in Military uniform and fatigues, and had several badges of honor on his chest. "Sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Captain Scabbard. Mars Military. Please understand, Mr. Vernandez, as much as we'd like to bar them from the contest, we need to see if they have anything else up their sleeves first. Redline may only showcase combustion-engine vehicles, but it also a way to show off certain 'technical achievements.'"

"Technical achievements? Like What? Weapons?!" Manuel demanded. "This better not turn into a live action version of Spy Hunter or Twisted Metal! That's not what I signed up for!"

"It won't turn into anything violent." Scabbard replied firmly. "Any type of aggressive device such as weapons is forbidden to be mounted on any Redline participant's vehicle, and we scan them to make sure they don't. It is not a 'Demolition derby' Mr. Vernandez."

"I just wish this 'experiment' didn't put one of my close friends in extreme danger from these 'contestants' Scabbard." Throttle growled.

"Thorneboy, you know as well as I do we'll have our best security there. Freedom fighters included. Mars needs to know what they could be packing. This conversation is over." With that, Scabbard walked off.

Manuel huffed, and forced himself to relax. He then turned to Throttle.

"So... You doing anything later?" He said, changing the subject.

Throttle then smiled. "My shift's over in fifteen. I'll meet you at the garage."

# # # # # #

Meanwhile, in the garage...

Yuya was careful as he bolted the Eight-Six's disconnected Silver-top engine to the engine hoist with help from Rimfire and a few cadets. Kitami was supervising. Stoker was there too, only he was just watching, wondering just how well this engine would work.

"One last twist, and... Done!" Yuya said, putting down the spanner. "It's ready to take out! Lift her up!"

The mice mechanics on the hoist reeled in the chains, and the 4A-GE Silver-top lifted out of the Eight-Six's engine bay. Yuya then guided it over and onto the floor, and started disconnecting it from the chains.

"So, Yuya was it?" Stoker walked up next to the tuner. "I still haven't properly thanked you for saving my life the last time we met."

Yuya hesitated for a moment. He then turned to Stoker. The joy in his face that filled him a few moments ago was gone.

"...I just wish I had gone against my father sooner." He said simply, then turned his attention back to the dead engine.

Stoker noticed the change. "...Sorry if that's a sore spot for you. But I hear it's better to talk about it rather than hold it all in. I can tell you've held it in for a while."

Yuya looked up at Stoker. "Yes. That is kind of you, Stoker. I would like to talk about it. But not here. Right now, I need to work on the Eight-Six. Get it up and running. Come by again in a few hours. With the help of the mechanics here, I should get the install done by then. Maybe we could discuss it over Tea? I brought several different kinds in my luggage."

"Got it." Stoker nodded. He started to walk away.

Yuya then put his wrench down. "...and Stoker?"

Stoker turned to face Yuya.

"...Even though I helped save you, it's actually a fifty-fifty thing. Because you helped save me. From a life of insanity and bitterness."

Stoker nodded. "Okay." He left Yuya to finish installing the BEAMS engine. "Speaking of tea, we have our own Martian blends you might like."

That perked Yuya's curiosity. He smiled as he got back to work. "Martian tea, huh?" He muttered. "That sounds like an interesting adventure..."

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