5: Opponents

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Manuel, Carbine, and Throttle watched as the doors of the cars opened and their occupants stepped out. They were four Catatonians.

What surprised them even more was one of them was Cataclysm himself!

"I guess we now know why the other mice are here..." Manuel muttered. "They're for security..."

"What are you doing here?" Carbine demanded with a sneer. "Weren't you changed into..."

"I was changed back." Cataclysm said simply. "Science can do wonders these days. As for why we're here, I just wanted the 'Speed Master' of Earth to meet his competition. Manuel Vernandez, meet Wraish Clawton of Team: Overdrive, one of your soon-to-be rivals in Redline."

A slightly shorter Catatonian then got out of the Eclipse-like car. That must be Wraish, Manuel thought. He had brown-red fur, which was more long and shaggy on his head, like a mane, the back braided into a ponytail. He had a scar over his left eye, the eye itself replaced with a cybernetic implant. He had a medium build, just at Manuel's height, dressed in his racing fatigues. His gritty exterior showed he was anything but average.

Wraish looked at Manuel, visually examining his new rival. "...For some reason, I thought you were taller."

"Life's full of disappointments." Manuel replied, arms folded.

"Indeed. Sadly, it looks like you may be one of them." Wraish replied, his face like stone. "Despite the prior "war", my team has been training for this event with alacrity. I apologize the rest couldn't be here, they're making preparations. I also forgot to mention, we've already won two Redline titles, and I intend to win a third. I look forward to mowing you down like so many other opponents before. Team: Overdrive not only breaks records, we also break beings who seek to take what is rightfully ours. No one has ever went up against us and dared step out on the circuit again, mostly due to the fact that their vehicle get totaled due to their shoddy driving. Do you have any idea what you and your precious Project: D are up against now?"

Manuel frowned. "Kitty kitty, if I were you, I'd shut your trap. You sound like a four-year old kid telling ghost stories around a camp fire. Wait, In fact, you're worse than that. Way worse, to be blunt."

Wraish narrowed his brow. "Excuse me?"

That's when a voice spoke up. It was Yuya!
"In all honesty, I have to agree with my good friend, and teammate over here." He said, walking into view by Manuel from his NSX. No one had even noticed him pull up!

Yuya then continued, looking over Wraish with scorn. "You sound like a little spoiled-rotten brat when you threaten us with that story of your team!" He scoffed. "Honestly, Do you think we really give a damn about your so-called reputation? Which to me, doesn't sound at all like one. There's nothing special about you guys saying that you've ran some events in this race, regardless of what happened to your "opponents," and won a few dusty old trophies, as you claim! Beating a number of opponents without losing doesn't make you special or superior over anyone! You guys are just killjoys!" He finished with a whisper and glare of fury.

"I have to admit, your car looks great, and you may have the power and skill to boost your talk..." He started mockingly. "...but if you guys are just as dim-witted as that loser boss of yours standing over there, then you guys are no more than mosquitoes on the racetrack, who don't deserve to drive there in the first place!" He finished with a snarl. "Now get your sorry asses, complete with tails, out of here!"

The Catatonians were shocked to hear such words from an outsider to the contest, let alone a human! Wraish's ego was already reeling from Yuya's beratement! They all turned back to their cars, getting in.

"I'd watch that tongue of yours in the future, human. It might get you in trouble someday, and I don't mean just a speeding ticket." Wraish growled, getting in his car. The Catatonians then drove off down Olympus Mons, back to Brimstone.

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