need (II)

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Sam: Top
Colby: Bottom

Part two of  "need"



I didn't know how much more I could take. I started to doubt that I wasn't capable. I gripped the sheets in a white-knuckle fist, holding my breath as I felt Sam caress my hips with those big hands. My heartbeat was loud and almost deafening, pulsing in my ears as I glanced over a determined Sam.

Along with all the feelings I had swirling through me, I was hit was another wave of unadultered hunger for him. I had a thirst that Sam could quench with a thrust of his hips and a kiss on my shoulder. Despite feeling as if I'd lose myself, I wanted more.

I held onto the pillow, bracing myself as Sam leaned over and kiss my shoulder in a gentle manner. Gentle? He kissed me as if I was fragile, but he held my waist and I muffled my scream as he stretched me out with one fluid motion.

Sam groaned, and I turned my head to kiss his lips because I couldn't resist wanting to feel all of him. I pulled back, powerless against my gasps and moans as Sam slid in and out of me at a rate I couldn't keep up with.

"God, you're so perfect," he breathed, a slight whimper in his tone as he did all the work.

I felt his front leave my back, and his warmth was replaced by the cool air of my bedroom. I turned to look at my headboard, feeling and seeing my hair fall over my eyes as Sam unrelentingly fucked me with the aid of his hands on my waist.

He wasn't moving anymore. His strong grip on me moved my body to his liking and my breath cut off with his stroke. Sam was still, making me fuck him and I was left groaning when he pulled me deeper and deeper until my ass pushed against his pelvis.

He kept me there, forcing me to feel all of him and I couldn't stop twitching around him. My hole clenched, but Sam didn't move and I grunted when he reached around me and found my slit.

"You feel that, hermoso?" he whispered, scraping his teeth against my earlobe and I sunk deeper into the pit of lust. "You feel how deep I am? Tell me that no one else is going to fuck you like this."

"Sam," I whimpered, trying to move forward but he followed through and kept himself rooted into me until I felt as if I was about to pass out. Fuck. My dreams didn't compare to how it truly felt.

He gripped the back of my neck, lifting my head until I locked eyes with him. I swallowed, instantly succumbing to the way he looked at me. With eyes of the colour of an ocean, I must have matched the way he gazed at me.

Not only did he stare at me as if he couldn't look away, but I saw the absolute fiery desire to fuck me until I couldn't walk. I melted underneath him, sinking into the mattress as I waited for Sam to slip out. He didn't. My eyes squeezed shut but his hand wiping the strands of hair out of my face had me opening them right up.

"I can't," I gasped out, sucking in a sharp breath

"Can't what?" he pressed, kissing his teeth as he waited for me to give him what he wanted. Tell me that no else is going to fuck you like this. It was the truth. There was no man that could make me feel the way he did. But I couldn't bring myself to say it. Perhaps because I wanted to rile him up. Or have him fuck me until he thought I changed my mind.

The sentence stayed on the tip of my tongue and didn't stray further than that.

Deciding to be a little...disobedient, I did the one thing I was not supposed to do.

I scoffed, huffing through my nose as if saying that's what you think. Of course it couldn't have been the furthest thing from the truth, but I wanted him to think that. When Sam's face dropped into a glare, I looked away. The hands on my waist tightened, almost painfully and I felt his dick twitch inside of me.

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