Chapter 15

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"It's only six-thirty, you know. We still have the whole day ahead of us." Luna murmured, her head resting against Sirius's shoulder. They sat on the floor of the Astronomy tower together, hands clasped. Luna's fingers played with the ring on his index finger, a ring she recognized. The Black family ring. Luna had wanted to ask why he still wore it after all the bad blood, but then again, she felt like she already knew the answer- It was an identity. Even Luna still had her family's pendant, tucked away somewhere in her trunk.

"I have the fear," Sirius hummed then, his breath brushing against her temple, "That I will wake up and discover that you still hate me."

"Have I yet to say I don't?" Luna challenged, tilting her head to look up at him with a small grin. Sirius's eyebrows rose as he looked back at her, his hand squeezing hers.

"Well this is awkward. And here I was, thinking that perhaps my feelings were returned." He sighed. Luna raised an eyebrow, amusement plain on her features.

"And what feelings were those?" She teased.

Sirius moved forward, enough so that his lips nearly brushed hers, his body turned towards her. "Ones of deep admiration, I suppose. If I'm being honest."

"Continue with that honesty, and you might grow on me in time." Luna chuckled, eyes closing when Sirius pressed his lips to hers. He was a warmth she had long gone without, and one she had no intention of letting go of now. Her hand found the front of his shirt, gripping it as his lips reconnected with hers, once, twice- And then she pulled away, cheeks flushed.

"I'm sorry I kept you away." She said quietly. Sirius pressed his lips to her temple.

"I'm sorry I stayed away. I should have- I should have tried better to understand." He said, frowning. His tone was quiet, a little sad. Luna managed a faint smile, reaching up and brushing away the hair that had fallen into his eyes.

"Thank you." She murmured, fingers moving gently through his hair. Sirius titled his head back against the wall behind him, eyes closing.

"You know," He said after a moment, a small smirk pulling at his lips, "If your godmother is my cousin, could this legally be considered incest?"

"Ex-godmother." Luna stressed, rolling her eyes. "So no. I think we're good."

"Damn. I was kinda enjoying the forbidden-love feeling I was getting for a moment there." He admitted, opening his eyes to glance down at her. Luna laughed, shoulders shaking under Sirius's arm.

"You ass." She scoffed, smacking his chest fondly. Sirius grinned then, opening his mouth to say something when the door flew open, revealing a red-cheeked Peter Pettigrew.

"Ooh!" He huffed, looking apologetic. "I interrupted something- So sorry. It's just- There's an early breakfast, and I wanted to make sure you guys didn't miss it if you were hungry."

"Oh. Thanks, Peter. We'll be right down." Luna smiled appreciatively, and Peter smiled back, giving a short nod and another quick apology before ducking out of the tower, the door shutting behind him.

"We should probably-" Luna had began, turning to look up at Sirius, but before her sentence could be finished his lips were crushed against hers, and at a rather awkward angle until Luna stopped smiling so wide. When he pulled away he was looking at her, something sweet and gentle.

"Be my girl?" He asked, gray eyes searching hers. Luna smiled a bit crookedly.

"I'd like that." She said, chuckling gently when Sirius's lips pressed to hers again, fingers bunching up the front of her sweater as he pulled her close. When he pulled away it was with a sigh, her hand sliding into his as he began to sit up.

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