Chapter 9

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“I can’t believe everything that happened.” Lily said, her yawn faint as she pulled a pajama shirt over her head, pulling her red hair out of the collar. Luna nodded faintly, feeling near-ready to collapse but completely awake at the same time. It was rather puzzling.

“It’s rather unbelievable.” Luna agreed quietly, running her fingers through her hair, letting the curls tumble down in her back in loose waves. She had been somewhat sad to change out of her dress, but all the same it had a few rips in it that would need to be repaired, and rips aside it wouldn't be the most comfortable to sleep in. Now she was comfortable in her pajama pants and t-shirt, though her own bed currently felt cold to her, too big and too lonely. She had refrained from saying so though until Lily was sitting in her own, knees pulled up to her chest and drapes pulled back.

“Luna?” Lily’s voice was quiet, green eyes filled with something that wasn’t quite fear. Nervousness maybe. Luna looked over at her curiously.


“Do you just wanna talk for awhile- You can curl up in bed with me. Just for awhile. I don’t think I can sleep yet. I’m not scared, I’m just..”

“Anxious?” Luna asked, understanding. Her own nerves had spiked. Death Eaters had gotten into Hogwarts. What was to stop them from doing so again? And being that Lily was a muggleborn, well... Luna couldn’t even begin to imagine the terror of it. Luna may be a werewolf, but at least she was a pureblood one. The Dark Lord didn’t completely shun werewolves. Her grandfather was proof of that.

“Something like that.” Lily answered, scooting over in her bed and pulling back the sheets. Luna slid out of her own, padding across the floor and into the other girl’s bed, some anxiety lifted from her shoulders. It was easier to be nervous when you weren’t the only one.

“Here- Muffliato.” Lily had her wand in her hand, and though Luna didn’t think anything in the air changed, Lily looked rather content with herself before closing the drapes, leaving the two girls to their privacy.

“What was that?” Luna asked curiously, resting back against the headboard. Lily’s smiled faded slightly as she set her wand back down, still keeping it near to her.

“It was a spell Severus taught me, when we were still friends.” Lily informed her, her tone quiet. Luna nodded, understanding. She had heard very little of Lily’s previous friendship with the obnoxious Slytherin- She didn’t know much, besides that they had a falling out a year or two ago.

“That’s cool.” Luna hummed, at loss for any other words. Catching Lily’s fallen expression she spoke again, wanting to lighten the other girl’s mood. “My brother used to teach me spells, when I was younger- He was never supposed to, of course, but he did anyway. Normally ones involving light- He’d be able to mold it into any form he wanted. It was captivating. It came naturally to him.”

She glanced at the other girl and was pleased to see Lily had smiled just slightly, tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear. The green-eyed girl looked at her curiously, her smile fond. “How old was your brother?”

“About six years older than me- He was the best. My parents weren’t the most loving,” Luna said slowly, keeping it to herself that ‘not the most loving’ was a huge understatement, “so he kept an eye out on me, took care of me, told me all these bedtime stories when I was little. Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump was my favorite.”

“I’ve read that one.” Lily said with a faint smile. “Well, not really. But I overheard someone telling it. James, actually. In first year, he and Remus got into some kind of argument about the differences between muggle stories and magical ones, which were better and what not.”

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