Chapter 12

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Sirius was still in the realm of shock and disbelief as he made his way up to the castle. The sky had darkened considerably since he had last seen his friends, but he was too busy fueling the tightness in his chest to care.

Luna was a werewolf. It wasn't possible, it just- Wasn't

But then again, Remus wasn't exactly the stereotypical werewolf either. 

Sirius wasn't sure what had made him leave the table- Perhaps it was the frustration with the curse thrown upon now two of his friends. Maybe he was slightly angry that Luna hadn't told him sooner. Maybe he just needed some fresh air in his lungs and time to take it in. He didn't know. He was fortunate he had run into Mary- She was a soothing soul, and while she hadn't asked what exactly was bugging Sirius, her warm words helped shrink a little bit of his frustration.

He still felt on edge though, bothered and flummoxed and bitter at the world because how dare it play out so poorly for the friends he cared so much for. He kicked at the snow as he walked, watching as the white powder flung upwards before landing back with the rest. 

"You alright, Black?" Caradoc Dearborn was suddenly by his side, moving to fall instep with the other pureblood. Sirius had never truly objected to the Slytherin's presence. He had known Caradoc since he was little, had spent afternoons in the Grimmauld Place playroom together. When they had reached eleven though they had been sorted into different houses, and had grown closer to those in their school colors. But while Caradoc was a Slytherin, he managed to be one of the less abhorrent ones, and Sirius was fairly certain he held rather different views on blood purity from the rest of the house.

"Just fine, Dearborn." Sirius sighed, not entirely in the mood for company. "Yourself?"

"No better or worse than usual." Dearborn answered, dark features watching Sirius with amusement. "Where has your group of lions gone?"

"Why do you care?" Sirius said, raising an eyebrow as he glanced over at the Slytherin. Dearborn shrugged indifferently, brushing the snow off of his coat as he spoke.

"I don't." He said honestly. "But it is rare to see you without your pride. I'm fairly certain I've read somewhere it's not good for a lion to be left by themselves. Unhealthy, even."

"You're asking to be hexed, Dearborn."

"Can't an old friend show concern?"

Sirius was used to this kind of banter when Dearborn was around. However, his mood was already less than fantastic, and Sirius found himself almost irritated by the Slytherin's teasing.

"Not when the old friend is Death Eater in the making, Dearborn. Tell me, where were you when the Death Eaters broke in last night?"

Dearborn's expression shifted quickly. Gone was the good-natured expression, replaced by a guarded and haughty expression most purebloods' faces fell into naturally.

"That's a low blow, Black. Even for you." Dearborn said, pausing his tracks so Sirius marched forward alone. Sirius had all but banished Dearborn from his thoughts when the Slytherin's deep voice came again.

"And if you've got questions about last night, I suggest you direct them to your little brother. Ask where he was." Dearborn said rather nastily. Sirius paused, turning to glare back at the Slytherin. Against the snow, Dearborn looked like smoke, dark skin and coat sticking out against the white fluff.

"And what is that supposed to mean?!" Sirius yelled after him angrily. But Dearborn was waving him off, turning away from him and walking back towards the town. Sirius scowled, turning away to head back to the castle. He didn't have time for this. The cold was starting to get to him, and all he truly wanted was to be back in his common room, surrounded by the other Marauders and perhaps a few sugar quills.

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