Chapter 22

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Luna hadn't expected to wake up with the sun in her eyes, golden light burning through the trees that were scatted across the Hogwarts courtyard.

She passed by them, not of her own accord, but there was no sway of being carried. It was then that she realized she was being levitated across the courtyard, and a panic built up in her chest- she couldn't move, couldn't turn to see who had her in their grip.

She made a small sound of panic- she couldn't quite get the words out, they wouldn't move past her throat- but instantly she was halted, and then the familiar face of Richard Potter was hovering over her.

"Are you alright, Luna?" He said, and he must've seen the panic in her eyes, because he continued, "We're taking you and Remus to the hospital wing- you two had a rough night. You'll both be fine. Just hang in there, alright?"

Luna managed a weak sound of understanding, and Richard smiled kindly before he was out of sight, and Luna was moving again. She closed her eyes, blocking out sight in an attempt to focus on the other senses, mainly her sense of touch- but she could feel nothing, couldn't feel out the injures that Richard was talking about. She felt merely a little warm, and that alone put her on edge.

When she opened her eyes again, she was staring up at the ceiling of the Hospital Wing, and the face of an impatient-looking Madam Pomfrey.

"You froze her? In this state?" The witch hissed, and while Luna couldn't see who she was talking to, she could hear a male voice mumble out a small apology. With a huff, Madam Pomfrey looked back to Luna, her expression not unkind.

"You'll feel everything at a delayed pace- and I can't say it'll feel all that pleasant. I'll mend your leg as fast as I can, alright Swift?" Pomfrey said, and Luna managed another small sound. When the spell was taken off, Luna had braced for impact- but nothing came, and for a moment she wondered what Pomfrey had been talking about.

And then it all rushed to her.

She screamed, bolting up and regretting it instantly when her leg moved with her, the broken thigh bone creating a bump against her skin. Part of her felt queasy, and she closed her eyes tightly, trying to breathe through the pain. She'd never broken her femur before.

"That's it, deep breaths- ferula." Pomfrey said, and the bandages that spun over Luna's leg pushed the bone back into place with a small whimper from her. She felt a hand gently take hers, and she was immensely grateful for the presence of Richard Potter in that moment.

Her leg still ached miserably, but the initial pain had left, leaving it to pulse uncomfortably. Madam Pomfrey had left her bedside to attend to Remus, and when he woke with a scream Luna cringed, the empathy running deep.

"You two really don't get enough credit for what you go through." Richard mumbled under his breath, and Luna gave a small snort, wincing when it jostled her leg again.

"Nobody does." She said, letting go of Richard's hand in fear of breaking it as Madam Pomfrey returned to her, a grimace on the older witch's features.

"This will have to be quick- I don't like the look of Lupin's hand." Madam Pomfrey said, and she didn't even give Luna a chance to brace herself before her thigh bone cracked back into place. She let out a small whine, hanging her head and closing her eyes tightly as Madam Pomfrey adjusted everything. It felt almost instantly better when she was done- a little sore, maybe, but it didn't sting anymore- and Luna let out the breath she had been holding, glad it was over.

"What's happened to Remus's hand?" Luna asked finally, her eyes following Pomfrey as she changed patients. Remus looked over at her, a grimace on his face.

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