Chapter 6

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Luna felt like she had been hit with the spell tenfold. Every bone inside her ached as though they knew the strain that would be put on them tonight, the pain of changing and switching and snapping. It made Luna's skin crawl to just think about.

It wasn't difficult to smile though with friends such as hers.

She had spent the rest of the day in the infirmary with Lily, Remus, James, Sirius and eventually even Peter, who had come as quick as possible upon hearing the news. It was a different thing to be surrounded by people who cared about you, but Luna enjoyed it immensely. She couldn't smile now though as Madam Pomefrey helped her out of the infirmary bed. Injured or not, the wolf would not put off a full moon. Part of her wished she was brave enough to tell them, to tell her friends- But she had just gotten them. She'd like a little more time before they rejected her.

"Am I still sharing the same space?" Luna asked as they walked, her nose crinkling up in distaste. She had been sharing the Shrieking Shack with another student, another werewolf- They were kept in different areas of course, different rooms- But the howls and screams of another being was concerning, not to mention the other sounds- Claws, squeaking, and others she knew were off but couldn't place.

"Yes, indeed. The arrangement, while perhaps not ideal, is working. As long as both of you stay safe, we have no reason to fully separate you."

"Of course." Luna sighed gently, watching as Madam Pomfrey stunned the Whomping Willow, a giant swaying tree that both amazed and terrified Luna every time she neared it. But now she paid no attention, slipping into the passageway after a brief goodbye. Her walk was a short one normally, but with extra stress from the curse earlier today her body was ready to give out.

She was nearly panting by the time she got to the shack, collapsing against the wall with a deep sigh. She still had a little further to go- There was a room she had to herself, an it's where she was safest. But the idea of getting up and moving caused as much pain as the action itself would- She grunted lightly as she lifted herself back up to her feet, eyes adjusting to the shadows when a figure stepped out, gently catching her before her legs could give up.

"Are you alright?" The voice was kind and gentle and familiar enough that Luna gave a small shriek, nearly falling over.


"Luna?" Remus's voice was stunned now- Luna could hear the surprise in it. He stepped away from her, still holding her shoulders, but now seemed to be surveying her in the dim light.


"You're the other werewolf?"

"Yeah. Sorry." Luna managed, shrugging weakly. "I mean, not really, but you know. Didn't mean to surprise you. And I really want to talk about this, I do, but uh- Should we not hurry?"

"Merlin, you're right. Sorry, then- Do you need help?"

"I'll manage. Get going- I'd rather not be stuck with you in this shape. No offense."

"Certainly none taken." Remus's hands lifted off her shoulders, and she heard more than saw him hurry back to his portion of the shack, while, with luck she managed to get to her own, slamming the door shut and locking it behind her. She collapsed onto the ground with a soft sigh, running her fingers through her hair with agitation, waiting for the full moon to lay out its curse upon her.

Remus was a werewolf. Huh. At least that explained things now, the familiarity. He was like her. Cursed and inhuman. Part of her, despite the sadness for her friend, was relieved that he knew, and he could relate. Even though they were separated by walls of wood, she wasn't feeling as alone anymore.

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