Chapter 3

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Spending time with Remus, Sirius, James, and Peter was a more common occurrence than Luna would have originally thought. The four would flock around her, and often she now found herself planning pranks with James and Sirius, studying with Remus and every now and then helping Peter with homework. It had been three weeks since she had first come to the school, and she was rather happily falling into the pattern of it. Even with a full moon coming up, Luna was feeling more prepared, more confident. She didn't now though as she stared down at her paper, a slight frown appearing on her lips.

"Remus, what's the base ingredient in the Calming Draught?"

"Wing of moth, I think." Remus replied from across the table. The two were currently sitting in the library, having spent the last hour working on potion essays. Luna really wasn't one for studies, but with Remus's encouragement and the wish to do well for at least her first semester at Hogwarts, Luna continued on.

"Thanks." She sighed, writing it down quickly. Remus smiled at her before looking down at his own essay. He appreciated the company, being that none of the other Marauders were particularly fond of homework. James would study on his own time(Normally in the Quidditch field. He claimed it helped him focus). Sirius would occasionally join him, but even then he was studying so furiously that conversation was very little and Sirius's anger at having to actually do work to pass the grade immensely distracting.

Speaking of Sirius, Remus could actually smell him as he and James entered the library, the two reeking so badly of vanilla icing he thought he might never smell again. They marched up to him and Luna, both grinning rather cheekily.

"Remus dear! Can we have a moment?" Sirius asked, leaning over the desk with his head propped up on his hand, effectively blocking Remus from his books. Luna was still staring at her work, writing something down on her paper. Upon closer look though, Remus could see her smile, barely concealed behind her hair.

"Of course." Remus said warily, letting himself be pulled from his chair. Without a word the two boys dragged him towards the aisles, walking for a moment before ducking behind one of the less-occupied ones.

"We have an idea." James began, looking rather excited. Remus gave a small nod, nose crinkling up slightly. The smell of vanilla only got worse the closer he got, and decidedly he started breathing through his mouth.

"Right. And what happened to you two, exactly? I don't think I've smelt something so sickeningly sweet since that cake you made me in fifth year."

The cake, doused in chocolate and candies, had been truly horrendous.

"That's not important! Well, it kinda is- It's part of our reasoning. Luna did this!" Sirius said, looking much more happy about this fact than Remus would expect him too. Normally Sirius hated sweet smells, claiming that they reminded him of the cherry tarts his mother had the house-elf make.

"And that's a good thing?" Remus asked warily. James was the one to respond, shaking his head vehemently.

"No- Well, yes. But I-"

"We." Sirius cut in stubbornly. James rolled his eyes but nodded.

"We have come up with an idea. And we think it's one you're gonna like."

"Well, tell me then." Remus said, crossing his arms. But Sirius shook his head, only grinning.

"No, we'll wait. But we'll be having a meeting tonight, most definitely."


Later that evening, Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter were all in their dorm, sitting on the floor in the center of the room. They had gathered what food they had(To list: Four chocolate frogs, three sugar quills, a large bowl of Berti Bott's every-flavored jelly beans, and a small plate of steak that the house elves had given them(and that Remus was hoarding, to Sirius's disappointment).

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