Chapter 17

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"You know, I'm fairly certain we came in here for food." Luna managed in between kisses, not caring whatsoever that chocolate lay a few feet away. Her mind was completely centered on Sirius, the way his hands gripped her hips and his lips met hers.

"Food can wait." Sirius hummed, pulling away just enough that he could smile at her, the same kind of smile he had given her before lifting her up onto the counter. Luna wasn't entirely sure when they had started kissing, but she was in no rush to stop. She grinned slyly, leaning up to press her lips to his again when the kitchen door opened.

She moved to pull away, to look decent, but Sirius seemed perfectly content in their current situation and refused to move his hands from her, her head gently knocking against his chin when she hid her face in his shirt, hoping that whomever had walked in wasn't a professor.

She needn't have worried.

"James?" Sirius's tone was surprised; And rightfully so. James was supposed to be wandering the halls right about now with Lily, not sneaking into the kitchens.

"Sirius." James's voice came out surprisingly weak, and Luna raised her head to look up at him with a frown, eyebrows furrowed. James's face was red, and there was something off in his eyes- He held himself with a tension the Potter boy normally did not have.

"Are you alright?" Luna asked, and this time when she tapped Sirius's shoulder he let go of her, stepping back so she could slide off the counter. James seemed to hesitate in answering before he nodded.

"Yes, I'm just fine. Why?"

"You seem a little tense, Prongs." Sirius commented, stepping away from Luna to go to his friend. "Did Evans do something? Did she hex you again? Merlin, I thought you two were getting along."

"Yes. It was Lily. Could you come with me?" James asked, hazel eyes squinted behind his glasses. Luna watched as Sirius frowned, glancing back at her for a moment before he turned to James.

"Of course, James. Where to?"

"Just come."

"Sirius..." Something was off. Luna could feel it in the air, as sure of it as if she had been slapped with a brick. She stepped forward, reaching over to tug gently on Sirius's sleeve and whisper quietly. "Sirius, I'm not sure- Something doesn't seem right."

"It's James." Sirius said, but even he seemed unusually wary. Luna risked a glance away from James, looking up at her boyfriend with a frown.

"Sirius, I don't think-" But she didn't get a chance to tell him what she thought.


Luna registered James's voice before the spell, but when the spell did hit her she screamed, dropping to the ground and nearly taking Sirius with her. He gripped her hand, gray eyes wide as he looked back and forth between his best friend and his girlfriend.

"What hell are you doing?!" He yelled, managing to pry Luna's fingers from his sleeve even as he held onto her wrist, trying to console her. From the ground Luna couldn't see much, but she was sure the ceiling had once been beige, whereas now it was almost black to her eyes.

"James- James stop!" Sirius lunged forward, shoving into his friend. James stumbled back, and Sirius could hear Luna gasp for air when the spell broke. He watched as James crashed into the wall, much harder than what had to be comfortable, and recover instantly, wand still gripped in his hand.

"Stupefy!" James said, and this time Sirius was nearly hit, managing to get out of the way as the spell passed by his head.

"James, mate- Get a hold of yourself!" He said, ducking behind a counter. Luna reached for her wand, pulling it out of her pocket as she crouched a little behind Sirius. Her body still burned, and part of her wanted to lie on the floor and close her eyes and let everything else happen around her.

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