Chapter 10

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Lily was just shoving her arms through the sleeves of her jacket when Luna came through the doors, cheeks flushed a bright pink. Lily watched her curiously, brows furrowed.

"Is he al-?"

Luna grinned.

“James is awake!” She announced, and Lily couldn’t help the bright smile that took over her face as she jammed her shoes on, running her fingers through her hair to smooth it out as she moved past her friend and made her way down and out of the common room. She could hear Luna laugh before joining her, and Lily was glad for the company as she made her way towards the infirmary.

Red hair flying behind her as she ran, she gave a small grunt as she shoved open the door and all but flung herself into the Infirmary, eyes raking the room. The messy-haired object of her hidden affections was standing by his bed, dressed in the same pants and shirt he had been wearing last night. He was saying something to Sirius when he looked up and saw her, hazel eyes widening behind his glasses. 

“Evans-” James was saying before she flung her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. She knew that she wasn’t being as subtle as she normally would've preferred, but subtlety didn’t matter when he could’ve been injured, or dying or dead... And James really didn’t seem to mind. His arms were around her waist, head resting on her shoulder as she held onto him. He oddly enough smelt like cinnamon, and Lily wondered if he always smelt like that or if it was something Madam Pomefrey had given him. He held onto her as tightly as she held onto him, and it made something in Lily’s heart flutter. She opted to pay lesser attention to it at the moment.

So...” Sirius Black’s voice trailed off awkwardly, and with a sudden jolt of reality hitting her Lily stepped back, letting her arms slip from James. She stared up at him with defiance to match his bemusement, daring him to comment on her actions.

“I’m glad you're okay.” She said simply, ignoring the flush in her cheeks. She was ever grateful when Luna came up behind her, the other girl’s hands coming to rest on her shoulders.

“We all are. Now how about some breakfast?” Luna said, and out of the corner of her eye Lily could see her smile. James was still staring at her, his glasses slightly off-kilter and his hair as ruffled as ever. It was endearing. He just nodded slowly, jumping when Sirius stood and patted his friend on the shoulder warmly.

“Come on, James. We best get you out of here before Pomfrey changes her mind about you leaving. And,” He added, “I am starving.”

Luna let out a loud snort at that, her hands dropping from Lily’s shoulders as she turned. Lily followed, eager to get out from the intensity of James Potter’s eyes. She didn’t miss the way he smiled at her though when he thought she wasn’t looking, 


Sirius walked alongside his friends gladly, if not a little tiredly, as they made their way to the Great Hall. Luna and Lily were walking in front of the boys, two girls exchanging whispers and the occasional glance back towards them. Sirius wondered irritably what they could be talking about so much, and how on earth did they turn their necks so much without getting sore.

To take his mind off their talk he looked to James, smiling amusedly at his best friend. James had appeared a little dazed ever since he had been hugged by the clever redhead, who appeared to be just as flustered, nearly bumping into Luna as they turned the corner into the Great Hall.

“You alright, Prongs?” Sirius asked as they took their seats at the far end of the table, away from the few others who sat at the other end. They too had dark circles under their eyes, and Sirius wondered how many people had actually slept well after last night’s activities.

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