Genesis | Chapter One

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"Are we almost done for today?" I asked in a soft spoken voice, I was standing in front of the cameras, a white backdrop behind me, infact the whole room was white— blindingly white.

"Hold that pose!" Mina squealed, getting behind her heavy duty camera and snapped a couple pictures, I tried to keep my eyes open and was successful. Something they don't tell you about modeling is how sore your eyes are after, straining to look around the room whilst bright flashes come in your direction? That can't be good for anyone.

"That was perfect f/n! I wish I was as photogenic as you!" Mina gushed, and grabbed the camera and brought it to me. We both huddled over looking at the images she had just taken prior.

I was wearing a black lacy night dress, along with thigh highs, my hair was messily done to be in a bun, and I was holding onto a bottle of red wine. My assignment was to showcase: Loneliness. The way I wanted to convey that was to demonstrate how no matter how much you put yourself out there, if you aren't yourself you'll be alone.

The photo's consist of me standing up and looking down solemnly and hugging my body, in a sequence of some photos I had poured the wine onto my body, showing the amount of desperation loneliness gives you, the pouring of the wine symbolising putting yourself out there, and pouring yourself into someone who doesn't show equal effort.

"You did really good with these photos! If Present Mic doesn't give you an A I'll have some words with him!" I giggled as I spoke, tucking a strand of my (h/c) hair behind my ear.

"You should go get changed and than maybe ms goodie two shoes can wag her class and tag along to my next shoot?" Mina raised her eyebrows and wiggled them at me, trying to convince me to go with her.

I hesitated for a second, "you know what i'm already ahead in class, why not" I spoke softly, smiling at mina as she jumped up and down, excited that she gets to hang out with me for longer. We were childhood best friends after all.

I went to the changing rooms and took off my clothes. I had turned on a shower in the changing rooms and after adjusting the temperature, I stood inside and washed myself. Gagging occasionally as I could smell the wine on my body. I had gotten out of the shower and dried myself and placed my school uniform on. I looked at the mirror and adjusted my hair, making sure it wasn't too messy. I tightened the tie around my collar and put my shoes on aswell.

"Hurry up, ms perfectionist" I hear Mina shout out, waiting outside of the bathroom.

"One second!" I grabbed my bag and opened the door and my eyes met with Mina's.

Mina grabbed my hand and in the other hand she held a big grey duffel bag, full of her equipment. We walked down the school corridors and made our way to the theatre room.

I looked at Mina weirdly, she normally doesn't do photoshoots with the theatre kids, she always asks a kid from the modeling course.

"The school asked me to shoot some shots for the schools website" mina giggled, seeing my confused expression.

We walked in and took a seat at the front row. Mina opened her duffle bag and set up her tripod and camera.

A couple students walked onto the stage. Obviously practicing their script.

I leaned over to Mina and whispered in her ear, "are you doing candid shots?"

Mina nodded her head as she continued to look through her camera lense, watching for the perfect moment for a picture.

That's when I saw him, and not to sound cliche or whatever but I think it might've been love at first sight?

He stood tall, with a muscular frame, the lighting of the auditorium highlighting every shadow. He had blonde hair, and a streak which was a black lighting bolt, evidently dyed.

I leaned over to mina again and whispered in her ear, "who is he?"

"That's Kaminari Denki, he's the lead in this script, and also known as an oblivious idiot" Mina giggled, taking a couple shots of Kaminari. "Or known as UA's biggest player"

"Is it weird but he's cute" I spoke in a hushed tone, my eyes fixated on the man on the stage.

Mina stifled a giggle, and took her focus off of the camera entirely and looked at me, "f/n I think what's weird is the fact he's the first guy you've even said that about"

"It's not that weird!"

Is it...?

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