Juliet | Chapter Nine

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Hottie Central

what should I wear?


12:02> My music video is about like feelings n stuff, so bring a mini dress, a black one and maybe boots


12:02> for my shoot can you bring like a white dress and a sun hat?


12:03> also we r like hanging out for the whole day, maybe a sleepover depending on this, my film is going to be at night fyi


12:03> kyoka what's ur addi again? I can't find it in the main gc

should I bring any accessories?


12:04> XXXXXXXXX, it's like the first house on the block, the two story
also you don't need too, Im also inviting momo, do you guys know her?


12:04> isn't she in the makeup course?

I think so


12:05> yeah she's going to be doing your makeup for my film aswell btw, she already has everything so dw Abt bringing your own stuff for it

oki tysm


12:07> kyoka im leaving now so I can set up my cameras and stuff in your backyard


12:10> kk

I'll come over now too
I'm a bit bored waiting 😋

I look at my appearance in my full body mirror, my hair framing my face perfectly. I let out a sigh of relief. Patting down the white flowy summer dress, it ended at my thighs. I placed a light brown, creamy beige summer hat on my head.

I sat down at my chair near my desk and brought my white high heels out, strapping them on my feet and struggling to clip them on as I did so. I manage to put both of them on.

I stood up, looking around as I had grew two inches.

I went to my cupboard and grabbed out a strapless mini black dress and placed it in my travel bag. I went to my shoe rack and grabbed a pair of black boots and black high heels just incase and stuffed it into my bag aswell. I zipped my bag up and grabbed my phone and before leaving my room, I sprayed some of my perfume; I smelt like blackcurrant with a hint of cinnamon and vanilla.

I left my house and started walking down to the path to Kyokas house, letting google maps guide me as I'm very directionally challenged.

I placed my earbuds in and listened to the music and hummed softly to it, swaying my head occasionally when the music made me feel too much that I had to outwardly show it.

Walking down the city during winter is really pretty, the snow that would occasionally fall down and grace my face, sending a chill as it did so.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and took my earbuds out and looked to see who had tapped me.

Denki Kaminari

"You know walking the streets along is dangerous for a pretty girl like yourself" he ran his hand through his golden locks as he spoke. His voice deep and husky, almost as if he had just woken up.

"I'm more than capable of protecting myself, or did you want to be my personal bodyguard?" I raised an eyebrow at him in a playful manner. Giggling at his reaction as his body tensed up a bit.

"If your offering I don't mind" he let out an airy chuckle, he was wearing a black compression top and a fluffy jacket over it.

We continued walking to kyoka's house, with the occasional banter and joking around, you know stuff that friends do. Yeah friends.

We arrived at Kyoka's house, it was a modern White House with a blue roof, the door was white and had stained blue glass panels on it. I rang the doorbell and patiently waited outside with Denki.

The door swung open, something unlike Kyoka to do.

Yup that figures. "I was worried you were going to get kidnapped my precious baby—" Mina stopped her sentence, and looked at me, than at Denki, than at me, and than— you get the picture.

Mina wiggled her eyebrows at me and let us in, sending a wink my way after closing the door.

The house was decorated minimalist way, small portraits of the Jirou Family all across the walls. A couple vases here and their filled with gorgeous flowers.

Mina had led us outside into Kyoka's backyard, where Kyoka and Hitoshi were sitting on some outside chairs, drinking coffee together.

"Honestly where is Eijirou, Katsuki, and Hanta?" Mina grumbled out, checking her phone and seeing it say it was 1:24pm.

"I can call Katsuki and see what's up with him?" I asked softly, directing my question to Mina.

"No need, Hanta just sent me a message how they all met up and are almost here" Denki spoke, staring down at his phone as he typed back something.

"They better be quick, or I swear to god!" Mina huffed out, playing with her pink curls, something she did when was nervous or upset.

"They'll be here quick, you know Katsuki he never would willingly be late, I was expecting him to be here before I even got here" I let out a giggle.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

"I'm getting it!" Mina stomped off, I couldn't tell if she was gonna chew them out or greet them happily.

"Is she always like that?" Denki let out an airy chuckle, watching as Mina walked away with such purpose that no one had ever seen before.

"Honestly she's been like that since we were in diapers" I giggled out, hiding my mouth as I laugh with my hand.

"You've know eachother for that long huh?" Denki asked, leaning down a bit so me and him were eye to eye.

"I suppose so, honestly doesn't feel that long" I giggled again, swearing I could see a blush on his face as I did so.

Mina stomped back after grabbing the three boys.

"Okay are you guys all ready" Mina asked, pumped up, she always got excited for shooting, it was most definitely her purpose in life, capturing pretty things. We all nodded our head.

Mina than positioned us, I was in the middle of the shoot, sitting on the snow. Mina than instructed the guys that they had to make snowballs and throw them over my head, and she forced Hanta and Hitoshi to pick up snow and sprinkle it in front of the camera.

"Okay, three, two, one" As mina said the last number she hurriedly took multiple pictures, Katsuki, Eijirou and Denki in the background of the photo having a snowball fight, and Hitoshi and Hanta nailing the snow effects.

"It's perfect!" Mina beamed with excitement.

We all huddled around the camera except for two people, specifically two blondes.

They stood in the distance having a conversation with one another, the snow making it hard to hear what they had said.

"If you hurt her, I'll fuck you up" The taller and muscular male spoke, loomimg over the other, with a stern expression plastered on his handsome face.

"Not planning on it" The other blonde spoke, placing his hands in his fluffy jackets pocket.

My Juliet, my special girl <3

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