05| Confessions

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1614 words

"Alright Sid, we'll leave now" Mahi said as a few people had now started leaving the party.
"You're leaving so early, why don't y'all wait for some more time".
"Well you know na we are leaving for Australia tomorrow evening so we need to make sure everything is ready for it and anyways we are meeting in Australia again right."
"Ofcourse then let's meet in Australia now. Have a safe journey tomorrow." Siddharth said as the all shook hands with eachother."
"Bye Aarushi" Sakshi said
"Take care of yourself" Ritika added
"I will. Y'all should also take care of yourselves" Aarushi replied, during the party she had somewhat gotten closer with them.
"So you will come to watch the matches at Australia na" Virat asked
"Well you see, this time I probably won't make it" Aarushi responded
"Why?" asked Shreyas full of curiosity
"Actually I'm doing my internship at a company so getting a day off is next to impossible right now. But I'll still try my best to attend the match"
"Please do that. We'll be happy to see you there" Rahul said
All of the members and their partners bid adieu as Aarushi and Siddharth went back tot asking with someone.
Shubman took a final glance at them as he was leaving "Do they really look like made for eachother" he thought to himself.

"Shubman" called Mahi "we still have to talk. Let's go to your room". Within a few minutes everyone had gathered in his room.
"So what's going on with you" Mahi asked
"Nothing Mahi bhai, you're just overthinking it" Shubman replied reluctantly.
"Don't give us that reason Shubman" it was Rohit was said this time "we all saw the way you were glancing at Aarushi throughout the party"
"Also why did you act so weird when everybody was saying that Aarushi and Siddharth look good together"
"That's because he likes her" Ishan dropped probably the biggest news of the night while casually munching on some fruits
"What!!!" was the dramatic reaction everyone in the room gave after hearing it
"So you know her since how long" Ritika asked
"He knows her only since 2 days back. It's a love at first sight for him" again Ishan replied
"Can you let me answer them" Shubman said a bit annoyed "and just because it's love at first sight doesn't mean I'm just playing around. I thought about the entire time yesterday, I even tried to make myself believe that it was just an infatuation but no I think I really like her"
Seeing Shubman being so serious about something made them realise that he might actually like her and it probably wasn't an attraction.
"Shubman" Virat said calmly as he sat beside him "it's not that we don't want you to be in a relationship, its just we don't want to see you being hurt. We respect your choice if you really think she is the one you really like then we won't stop you from it. Just remember one during this time don't hurt yourself or anybody else and if you ever need help remember we all are always going to be by your side"
Hearing it Shubman visibly relaxed and finally smiled after such a long time.
"Ok so our dearest brother is no longer going to be single now" the girls in room dramatic squealed as Shubman sat in the centre with an uncontrollable smile on his face.
Just before the boys could join in the teasing, a voice from Shreyas was heard.
"Guys but let's get back to reality. We are talking about Aarushi here, she went to the same school as Siddharth which means she has always had a rich background, there is no denying in the fact that she is beautiful. I mean if a guy like Siddharth had a crush on her says a lot about her personality and let's not forget the fact that she will soon be taking over her dad's company which means she is going to be academically excellent. So do y'all really think a girl who is almost perfect will be single"
And there goes Shubman's bright smile as his shoulders dropped down.
"What do you mean Shreyas bhai ofcourse she is going to be single" Ishan said trying to cheer up is best friend while "God please let her be single" was the silent pray he muttered
"I mean ofcourse she will be single, otherwise wouldn't she be with her partner rather than being alone" Rohit said as all them backed him with multiple 'Yes'.
"Ok then Ishan go ask her" Shubman said out of nowhere
"Ask what" Ishan asked visibly confused
"Didn't you tell you will apologise to Aarushi so with that only asked her if she is single" he said
"Pagal wagal hai kya" (Have you gone crazy or what) was the first reaction Ishan gave
"What didn't y'all tell me that everyone will be by my side whenever I need any help" as soon as he finished his sentence all heads turned towards Virat who looking at them with his oh-so innocent eyes
"Come on guys I was just trying to cheer him" Virat said trying to justify himself
"Ishan you have to do it for our friendship" saying this Shubman had successfully blackmailed his bestfriend
"Fine I'll ask her" Ishan said as he went back to the place he was sitting
"Where are you going. Go ask her!" Shubman said
"Abhi puchna hai" (I have to ask her now!) Ishan said in disbelief
"Ofcourse we are leaving tomorrow so you won't get any chance to ask her. You better go now and do it" Shubman said as he started dragging Ishan towards the door.
"The things I have to do for this guy" was the last thought Ishan had as he was now out of the door as the door shut behind him.
"Chalo let's search where she is now" saying so he entered the elevator and decided to search near the banquet Hall where the party was held. Lucky for as soon as he got out of the elevator he found Aarushi standing right in front of him as she talked to someone on the phone.
"Aarushi" Ishan called out
"Yes" she replied hanging up on the call
"I wanted to tell you something"
"Ok, go ahead"
"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I shouldn't have overreacted and accused you without understanding your side" Ishan said sincerely
"Hey its fine" Aarushi said "even I'm sorry for being rude. I'm sure you would have had such incidents with some obsessive fans, so reacting in such a way is understandable"
"Well then I hope there is no misunderstanding between us now" Ishan asked
"Ofcourse" Aarushi replied as she waited for a few minutes "uhm anything else you wanted to say"
"No" were the only word that managed to come out of his mouth
"Ok then I'll leave. Also all the best for your Australian tour" she said as she started walking towards the elevator
"Aarushi" she heard his voice again as she boarded the elevator
"Yes" she asked curiously while stopping the door from closing with her hand
"Are you single" he asked straight up after gathering some courage
"Sorry??" Aarushi said bewildered with the sudden question
"Hey listen before you think something weird, it's.... its a dare someone gave me" Ishan said as he tried to come up with the best explanation possible but after seeing the still suspicious look on Aarushi's face he said "Trust me yaar, I really have no intention of asking such question to you but it's a dare for me please understand"
"Well then tell the person who gave you this dare.......... to ask this same question when we meet face-to-face not like this" she said let go off her hand from the door as the doors closed back.
"Aarushi" Ishan yelled in frustration

"Aa gayi, Aa gayi" ( she's back, she's back) the boys who were waiting in Shubman's room and peeking through the door to take a look at the room right in front of them said as they saw Aarushi opening her the door to her room. A few minutes later there was a knock on Shubman's room.
"It must be Ishan" Shubman said excitedly as he almost ran towards the door only to find a disappointed Ishan standing there.

"Kya hua"( what happened) he asked.
"She said tell the person who wants to know whether I'm single or not to ask me on my face not like this"
A disappointed sigh was realised by everybody in the room as Shubman slumped back on the bed.
"Hey don't be sad we cam always try once again. How about I ask her tomorrow" Mahi suggested
"You will" Shubman asked with hopefulness in his eyes
"Yeah I will but before that y'all must go back to bed now. Its already too late remember we need to leave by tomorrow evening" he said as everyone except Ishan and Shubman started leaving the room.

"I just hope this time he doesn't get hurt. There is no way I'm letting what happened last time repeat again" Virat said as all of them look back in the room only to see their two youngest teammates bickering with eachother.

To be continued............

So how was the chapter. Did y'all like it. Do tell me your thoughts about the story so far in the comments. Also if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me I will always work on it. Don't forget to leave a vote. Hope to see you at the next chapter. Till then bye 💫

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