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W.c.: 0.9k.

Niki's POV

It has been weeks since the night that I spent at Jake's house. My parents found out that I was spending time with, how my parents would say, "the children of two devils". Thank God they don't know anything about me and Y/n though. Now I was sitting on the couch next to my bed and chilling with my phone.

My parents somehow figured out that I had been spending a lot of time with Jake, and when they figured out Jake's last name, they went wild. I got grounded for... God knows for how long. They didn't tell me. I wasn't allowed to text or call anyone. They even forced me to delete Jake's number. I was quick enough to delete Y/n's number so they wouldn't notice but now I was left with none of my friends' numbers. There was zero communication with them.

"Niki! Come downstairs! The food is ready!" My mother yelled for the fifth time in the past ten minutes. I heard her but I wasn't going anywhere. I wasn't hungry either, my appetite was down these past few weeks. I wasn't even allowed to go outside without my father standing behind me. It felt as if I was a dog to them.

I heard my mother yell one more time, again, the same thing. When I didn't answer or move, I heard my father's loud mumbles and then him walking upstairs aggressively. Seconds later the door of my room was pushed wide open, revealing my father standing in the doorway.

"Didn't you hear how your mother asked you to-"

"She didn't ask... she yelled." I cut him off while still not giving even one glance at him. "And yes, I did hear her."

My father only got more mad. He stormed into my room, snatched my phone from my hands, and dropped it on the floor. I didn't even flinch at his actions. The phone, I can always buy a new one.

"Don't you dear talk to me like that you little b-" I didn't let him finish as I picked my phone up and checked for any cracks. The phone was perfectly fine, but then my father snatched it out of my hands again. This time, he threw it to the wall, as hard as he could. My eyes landed on my phone and now I could see from afar that it was all broken. This is a good opportunity to buy a new one I guess.

"Can you please stop making a mess-" I was cut off by my father.

"Shut up you little bitc-" He raised his hand, getting ready to slap me but I was quick enough to move away. Seconds later, my father's hand was where I was sitting just two seconds ago. As I looked at my father with cold eyes, I saw that he was all red from anger. And I believe that he was even more mad now.

I stood up and walked to the door, but right before leaving to go downstairs, I said. "You should go downstairs. We don't want mother to wait, do we?" I swear I could see smoke coming from his ears. I closed the door and left for the dining room.

As I walked into the room, I saw my mother standing up, right as I entered the room. "Niki... I made dinner. Sit down and eat, please..." I could hear guilt and desperation in her voice. I hadn't eaten for the whole day and she knew it. I wasn't as mad at her as I was at my father. I knew that she couldn't really say anything against my father if she wanted to live peacefully.

I sat down and my mother gave me the food. She sat down too and as I started eating, I heard my father slamming the door and storming downstairs to the dining room. The moment he got to the room, he smashed his hand on the table right next to my plate. I didn't even flicker though.

"No one in this household will treat me like this! You son of a b!tch, you-" he was yelling right next to my ear and I was sensitive to loud noises this week so that hurt my ears and head a lot. I was holding a fork in one of my hands and I was now squeezing it tightly as I tried to control myself and not yell back at him.

Seconds later, he was about to yell again but I was done with him. I stood up and left the dining room, without eating again. But no one was stopping me. My father was standing in his place as if he was frozen and my mother, she didn't move because she knew if she did, father would blow up completely.

As I got to my room, I closed the doors behind me and locked them. Then I walked to my closet and got a warm dark hoodie from there. I wasn't going to stay here any longer. I grabbed my bag and put some important things in it and then opened my window. I dropped my bag first and then got myself down on the ground carefully.

"It's time to see Jake and his sister... my girlfriend."

To anyone who thinks they already have read this, it's because I already had posted a similar chapter. I deleted it because there was a glitch or something and the chapter got messed up and I needed to rewrite it and I just wrote something as similar as I could to the original chapter. So yeah, I have the next chapter almost done but it needs some more work so I'll upload it in few days I think.

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