The Mall

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Song Recommendation: Deep Pockets - Drake

Scarletts POV:

I scramble as I get my things together, practically being pushed out if the shiny black car. Within seconds, the vehicle was out of sight.

What the fuck?

As I made my way up the elevator, I thought about my recent encounter with the blonde woman.

Her shiny but dark, red eyes staring deeply into mine, a shiny coat of light covering them. I could see an emotion i've never see her have before, yet I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe it was fear? Maybe she was nervous about something?

Whatever it was, no natter what it was, still didn't explain why her eyes were practically bloodshot. In a matter of seconds, her eyes changed to a completely different color. But how? Why?

I let the questions travel to the back of my mind, as I wandered into my warm apartment. I was so ready to get comfortable and just lay around in my apartment all day.

Well, until my phone started ringing.

I quickly grabbed it out of my clutch, answering the call and pressing the cold phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I questioned the person on the other end.

"Hey, it's Ariana. Me and Hazel were just wondering if you would like to have a girls day today?" My old bosses voice filled my ear.

"Hey, yes that actually sounds amazing. What do you guys have in mind?" I ask the woman.

"Well, we could go to the mall. Get our nails done, go shopping for clothes. I need to go buy some new makeup anyways." She says. The idea of a girls day sent a feeling of relied through me, ready to calmly end my day.

"Yeah that sounds great. Ill meet you guys at the cafe next door." I say, before abruptly hanging up the call, not bothering to wait for her response.

I quickly make my way to my closer, picking out a comfortable yet cute outfit to wear. After a few minutes, I finally decided on my outfit. I was wearing black leggings and a black sweatshirt, topped with a black North Face vest and my usual brown uggs. My wavy brown hair remained down, as minimal makeup lined my face.

I left my apartment, ascending down the elevator taking me to the main floor.

My thoughts went back to the conversation with my boss. Her dark red eyes staring deeply into mine, as if she was trying to talk to me in a way.
My mind wandered to what the unknown call was about. Maybe her eyes get red when shes stressed? I don't know, it wasn't normal though.

All of my thoughts were halted as the elevator door dinged, before swinging open onto the main floor of the apartment complex.

As I got into the shiny black SUV, I pushed ever thought about the blonde woman to the back of my mind, as I strapped my seatbelt onto my warm body.

It wasn't long before the car halted, showing that we have arrived at the cafe. I unfastened my seatbelt, before opening the car door and sliding out. Considering how crowded NY was currently, there wasn't too much paparazzi. But even then, I could still feel a camera on me.

"Hey guys" I announce to my two friends. They both turn around simultaneously, their smile widening as their eyes land on me.

"Hey girl, how was the shoot today?" Hazel asks me, engulfing me into a quick hug. I embrace her warmness, as we slowly pull away from eachother.

"It was..good." I let out, remembering the events that occurred after the shoot.

My messy hair.

Her hands running smoothly over my body.

Her tongue working hard inside of me.

"Here, we got you a coffee" Ariana says, handing me the warm travel cup of coffee. I could tell I was blushing my the later of heat coating my face, but to everybody else, I was just getting accustomed to the cold NYC air.

"Thanks. I say we go do some shopping" I declare, as I slowly make my way inside of the mall. The two familiar woman follow after me, catching up to my sides.

"Oooh, let's go into Givenchy, Im dying to see their new selection." Hazel says, practically dragging me and my old boss into the store.

As we look around the store, I couldn't help but feel a bit alone. Im just wish I was with someone else, I wish I was with her.

I don't really shop with anyone. I used to, I shopped with my dad. After he died, Ive barely shopped with anyone.

I look around the store some more, letting my internal thoughts run through my mind. As i'm looking around, I feel a familiar scent fill my nose. Her usual peppermint vanilla scent lingered in the air, causing a rush of confusion to wash over me.

I quickly turn around, only to see her familiar face staring down at me as she towers over me. There was a tiny hint of light in her eyes, as they glistened in the snowy light, showing off her beautiful silver blueish eyes.

"Hi" I mutter out, still a little shocked of why shes here. "Why are you here?" I ask the woman? staring up blankly at her.

"I missed you" She confesses, stepping a little bit closer to me, as I take the moment to take in her outfit. Shed wearing a black sweater and her usual black dress pants. She had on a black pair of dress shoes, with a black belt securing her pants up.

"Eyes up here, baby" She says, taking her two fingers to lift my chin up, causing me to stare lightly into her eyes.

Luna's familiar hands traveled across my waist, settling on the arch in my back, as she pulled me closer to her. I placed my arms around her neck in support, as a small smile was placed on my lips. I open my mouth to say something, but someone interrupts me.

"Scarlett!! Do you think this looks good?" My best friend asks me from the fitting rooms. I quickly let go of her neck, as I slowly back away from her warm embrace. She gives me a look of confusion, as I make my way to the back where the fitting rooms are.

"Hey Hazel. Yeah, I think it looks great." I say, admiring the dress that hung tightly on my bestfriend's body.

"Thank you" She says, turning around to face me. Her eyes lock onto mine, before glaring a bit above me.

"Oh, isn't this your boss?" She asks. "Hello, its nice to meet you. Im Hazel, Scarlett's best friend." She says, as Luna and Hazel quickly shake hands.

"Hello, Im Luna." The blonde woman says, retracting her hand from the girl. Her eyes linger on her for a second, before glancing back down into mine.

"Anyways, I think i'm done here. Do you want to go to the next store? I can meet you there" Hazel says, going back into the fitting room stall.

"Yeah, we are going to Victoria Secret. Call me when you get there!" I say, as me and Luna leave the store.

A/N: Hey, sorry this update was late. Ill probably update again this weekend, If not by next week. Thank you all, make sure to star this chapter ❤️

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