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Mariyan POV (Fuck all of you I do what I want)

It doesn't make any sense... Why...Why would I do that?

Over and over again I cannot help but replay in my mind the events that took place hours earlier...Why would I kill them all?

I hated them, I always hated them but I would never kill them because I know the consequences and I would be in trouble so I would've never done it.

B-But I had those dreams, dreams of me killing them for almost a week and even I admit I thought about it sometimes in the middle of the day but I would not have ever acted on it and now I am here..H-Haha.

Looking around my cell, it's small and white looking not far from the cell I was in when I was first taken in with the exception of there being a large white door with a screen window instead of bars.

After all in this situation sleep is impossible and all I want to do is cry, I want to cry not only because I am locked in this damp room but because...Because...I don't even know why I wanna cry anymore but sometimes I just want to cry and never stop and I used to want to just scream but now If I scream it just feels forced and empty.

I hear the cell open and when I look over I see 2 guards, they motion me to stand up and I do that before following them and hearing the rambling of other patients that makes me feel a way, a way I cannot describe and it's not fear but something else.

"Where am I going?" I ask the guards but I am met with no response and I keep following them until eventually I get to more cleaner and easier on the eyes places of the facility and the white walls and plants are easier to look at compared to the stone walls.

Eventually I get to a door and one of the guards opens it an he goes in before coming back out not too long after and I go in too, looking over the first thing I see is a woman, blonde hair, tall and blue eyes and a white trench coat of the sort.

"Ah, there you are please sit down and let us go ahead with this session of our's" she speaks in a energetic tone, one that catches me off-guard and she smiles at me in a way that makes me feel nervous almost but I sit down and the first thing I notice is her light accent and a smooth voice that makes me hesitate at first to do anything.

"My name is Dr. Nilsson, you are Mariyan...Interesting name, I've never heard a name like your's before." She says, but I don't know what to say...She says she is a doctor but I am here in a office not in a hospital room.

I look up at her and try to speak but I have to form the word before I speak, the questions I want to ask "Why am I here?" I manage to get that out and she clears her throat "Ah, well to talk about how you are feeling."

"A psychiatrist is what you are" She raises her finger but sighs and simply nods "Yes, I understand that it is a bit of a shock to go from one place to another, a sudden shift is often met with a feeling of uneasiness and of course your health is of importance and this will be your first examination just to get a idea of how we can help you."

She is not wrong, ever since I arrived I've had this feeling in my stomach but I am not sick "We don't know eachother, we will see eachother quite a bit so i think I should know a few things about you. For example what do you like?"

I look at her and I take a moment before blurting out the first thing that comes to mind, "I uh...I like reading and games" when I look up she nods "What books have you read recently?" She says but I cannot come with an answer because it's been so long since I've read anything.

"I am...U-Uh like the 6 Kingdoms" I spurt out the first answer that comes to my head but I haven't even read that book series before despite knowing but if I don't say anything then It will be weird.

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