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I clutch my duvet tighter to my chest before taking a deep breath. I pick up my phone and fumble when I try to switch on the flashlight.

"Hello?" I call out and climb out of my bed. I walk closer to my window to check what was there.


What the heck?

My lamp turns on by itself and I almost scream in fear.
"Relax." Elron says and stands beside my door as if he didn't just break into my house.

"What the heck?! This is breaking and entering!" I yell and stay at my position. I fear what I might do if I go close to him.

"We need to talk." He says calmly and sits at the edge of my bed.

"What about?" I ask and he gives me an obvious stare.

"Sit. I won't bite you." He grins and pats the space beside him.
I sit beside him and take a deep breath.

"Why did you leave?" He begins and turns instantly well up in my eyes.
"You know I had to." I say flatly,my voice void of emotions.

"Oh." He says and fiddles with his fingers.
"Why?" I ask and dare to tread my hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry Claire. I really am." He says with a shaky voice.

"They're two,you know." I say and fix my eyes on the floor. I don't want to look at him or his blue eyes.

"Who?" He asks and looks at me with teary eyes.
"Noah and Liam. They're twins." I whisper and he tenses.

"I'm sorry I hid it from you. But I just couldn't let you know."

"Claire..." He calls my name and I withdraw a bit.

"It's late. You can stay if you want,but we're not going to stay in the same room." I say and unpack a duvet and pillow for him.

"Thanks." He whispers and I look away nervously. I don't want to have any form of contact with him.

"Um...you c-can sleep on the couch." I stutter and open my door.
"But please leave before 6am. I don't want your wife to complain."

"Claire..." He stops.

I gesture at the door and he nods before stepping out.
I slam the door gently and lean on it. My shoulders tremble as I slump onto the floor in tears.

Why is he back?

Why does he have to show up the exact moment I find someone that loves me?

I shut my eyes tightly and gently bang my head on the wall.

"You're stupid! Stupid you hear me!"

"You should've died."

"You're a mistake."

Words haunt me from time to time but right now,I feel like hitting my head on the wall even harder.
I let the tears fall harder before covering my mouth to avoid making a sound.

"Are you okay?" Elron asks from outside and I lock the door before walking to my bed.

"Yeah." I lie with a hoarse voice. I hear his footsteps pad away and I feel myself exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I close my eyes and feel myself drift off.

"Get back here!" The man chasing me screams. I wipe my tears and run even faster. The anger is clear in his voice.

"Claire,get back here!" He yells and tries to shoot me. The bullet misses me by a millimetre and I duck before running again.

I stumble on my foot and before I know it,I fall in what I presume to be mud.

"Hahaha! Finally. I've waited four fucking years for this." The man says and I realise the person.

My hair and clothes are sweaty by the time I wake up. I pant breathlessly before looking around.
My feet touch the cold floor and I shudder a bit before walking out of my bedroom.

"And then,I ate ice cream." I hear Noah's voice from the kitchen. I walk faster towards the kitchen.
Elron and Noah are sitting by the dining table conversing as if they've known eachother for so long.

"It's so late,what are you doing up?" I ask,directing at Noah. He pouts and his lips quiver violently.
"I couldn't sleep." He says and looks at Elron. He shrugs and looks at me with a nervous expression.

"I heard you scream,are you okay?" He asks and stands up, towering over me.
I blush and look up at him when suddenly,a knock breaks the silence.

"Claire, we're back." Josh says and I hear the front door click open.

Oh no.

Broken 2:A Second Chance Where stories live. Discover now