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The heart rate monitor beeps, and that's the only sound in her room. I can't help but feel a mix of emotions as I gaze at her pale face, my heart heavy with worry. I reach out and gently grasp her cold, fragile hand, hoping to provide some comfort in this difficult moment. "Please wake up," I softly plead, my voice filled with love and longing. Leaning in, I press a tender kiss on her hand, as if my touch could somehow convey the depth of my emotions and bring her back to me. In that silent room, I hold onto hope, praying for her to open her eyes and return to the world we once knew.

"Is she okay?" Tristan walks into the room with a trench coat on his arm.

As I look at her pale face,the weight of the situation hangs heavy in the air, and I can't help but feel a lump in my throat. I turn to her father, my voice trembling with emotion as I share the devastating news. "She's lost a lot of blood," I say, my words barely escaping my lips. My heart aches as I hold her cold, fragile hand, desperately hoping for a sign of life. In that moment, time stands still, and all I can do is pray for her strength and will to fight.

"That bastard." He says and looks at his daughter. The pain is clear in his eyes and I can't help but fill his pain.
"He won't get away with this." I tell him.

The mother of my children is laying in that bed fighting for her life while her abuser moves freely outside.

The first three days in the hospital were pure hell.
Her heartbeat would rise and fall again and we thought we'd lost her.

She'd have unconscious convulsions and other things.

"There's an unknown pill in her system. We'll have to take it out surgically." The doctor says to us,Tristan and I.

All we do now is hope and pray.


It's been a month and Claire's condition is a bit better now. She's regained consciousness and she's been taking her medication.

"Are you okay?" I ask her and feed her a papaya slice.

"Yes..I'm fine. I guess." She says and tilts her head to the side. I can see the tears in her eyes and how her breathing has changed.

"Baby?" I call her. She faces me and I wipe her eyes.
"It's over,no one will ever harm you again." I tell her and hug her,but not tight enough to hurt her.


I close my eyes and try to sleep but then,I begin to feel a force, a strong dark force brood over me when I close my eyes.

"Wake up!" A voice I know too well commands.

I scream,like scream when I open my eyes.

Felix is holding a scapel in his hand and he tries to stab me with it.

A female nurse suddenly enters the room and stabs Felix in the neck multiple times,killing him slowly.

Just then,Elron rushes into the room and hugs me tightly. I begin to whimper incoherent words and shake when he touches me.

"It's okay. I'm here. Don't worry." He whispers into my hair. Tears stain my face as Felix chokes on his own blood, leading to his death.

It's over. It's finally over.

He's done. He's gone. Gone forever.

No more nightmares,no more abuse,no more insults.

I'm finally free.

Elron wipes my tears and kisses my cheek while still comforting me.

"Thank you. For everything." I tell him after they transfer me to another room in the same ward.

"I have some bad news." The doctor tells Elron and I a week after Felix's death.

"From the scan we took,it seems that miss Claire has a ruptured womb." The doctor says shils shaking her head.


"I'm sorry..but trying to conceive will prove as a detriment to miss Claire's life."

No, this isn't possible. It's not true.

"You're lying. You liar!" I begin to cry.
Elron holds me tightly and tries to console me when I begin to scream.
This can't be happening.

"Claire please calm down." He says after the doctor leaves.

I spend the next hours crying with Elron trying to console me.

Three months later.

I find myself gazing out at the moonlit Caribbean sea, feeling the gentle touch of the waves against the shore. The flickering candlelight casts a warm glow on the table, creating an intimate and romantic atmosphere. The scent of the salty ocean air mingles with the tropical fragrance of flowers nearby. As I sit here, a sense of peace washes over me, as if time has slowed down just for this moment. The sound of the waves provides a soothing melody, creating a symphony of tranquility. With each bite of the delicious seafood, my taste buds are treated to a burst of flavors, a true culinary delight. The night sky above is adorned with countless stars, as if they are witnessing the magic of this evening. It's a moment I will cherish forever.

"This is nice." Elron says and sips his Pina colada.

"Yeah." I smile back at him.

"Claire..can I say something?" He asks nervously. It almost makes me laugh when I look at his expression.

"Please speak." I say and he sighs before getting up.

"We started off on different terms, and I must admit, I didn't have the best impression of you. It pains me to think about how I let my own biases and misconceptions cloud my judgment. But as time went on, I began to see the true beauty that resides within you. Your kindness, your warmth, and your genuine heart slowly melted away my initial reservations. I am sorry for the walls I put up, for the fear I may have caused you.

Now, as I reflect on our journey together, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. You have shown me a love that I never thought possible, a love that has transformed me from the inside out. Your unwavering support, your understanding, and your unwavering belief in us have touched me in ways I can't even put into words.

I want you to know that I am committed to making up for lost time, for the misunderstandings that held us back. I want to be the person you can always rely on, the one who lifts you up when you're feeling down, and the one who stands by your side through thick and thin.

Our love story is not perfect, but it is uniquely ours. It is a story of growth, forgiveness, and the power of love to overcome all obstacles. I promise to continue growing with you, to learn from our past, and to build a future together that is filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures.

Thank you for being patient with me, for seeing past my flaws, and for loving me despite my imperfections. You have my heart, now and forever."

When he finishes saying this, I'm in tears and I have to dab my eyes with a tissue to prevent myself from messing up my mascara.

"Oh my.." I begin.

"Claire,I know I don't have a ring right now and it doesn't matter if I get you a big shiny ring.

From the moment we met, my life has been filled with joy and love. You have become my rock, my best friend, and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Today, I want to take our love to new heights and create a lifetime of beautiful memories together.Claire,will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?" 


I smile brightly and nod frantically and he hugs me tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I say and pull into a kiss.


Oh my God!

It's left with only one chapter guys.
One effing chapter.

I'll update maybe tmr or tdy so stay tuned.

💕 KA.

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