Chapter 5: It's Called Southern Hospitality

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Chapter 5: It's Called Southern Hospitality 

“Well then, bye.” I say, turning away from him and walking towards the school.

“Wait,” He calls, jogging and catching up to me. “Where are you going?”

“None of your business, that’s where.”

“Why don’t you like me?” Conrad asks, as if he’s genuinely concerned.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like you. I just need to go into the office.”

“Yeah, but you’re mean to me, which makes me think you don’t like me.” He argues, walking beside me.

“Well, then, maybe I don’t like you.”

“Why not? I’m nice.”

“And annoying.”

“I’m actually on the welcoming committee, it’s kinda my job.”

“Welcoming committee? How dumb do you think I am?” I ask with a scoff.

He chuckles, “I don’t think you’re dumb at all. Seriously, I am. It’s kinda my punishment.”


“Just this thing my friend and I did a few weeks ago.” Conrad says, not elaborating.

I nod, continuing to walk up to the front of the school. When I reach it and pull on the door, it doesn’t open. I try pushing on it, but it still remains firmly shut. Rolling my eyes, I look over at Conrad, who thought it’d be nice to come up her with me. Welcoming committee, my ass. I’m pretty sure that only happens in the movies.

“Why won’t the door open?”

“It’s locked.” He says simply.

“Well, how am I supposed to get in?” I wonder, crossing my arms.

“You aren’t.” Conrad tells me, then looks at his watch. “Not for another ten minutes, that is.”

“That’s so stupid.” I mutter, crossing my arms across my chest. “What am I supposed to do until then?”

“Well, you can go to the library or sit here or go to the cafeteria and eat breakfast. Anything really. Just can’t leave school or go inside.”

“I’ll just stay here then. Goodbye.” I say, dismissing him.

“What if I wanna stay here too?”

“I’d rather you didn’t.” I admit.

“You’re really outspoken, you know that?”

“So I’ve been told.”

“Conrad, hey bro.” Another male voice says from behind me.

“Hey, Ben.” Conrad says to the guy, and I hear them do the boy handshake thing.

“Who’s the girl?” The boy asks, walking past me and looking at me.

“That’s Steffy. She’s really mean though.” Conrad says.

“I can hear you.” I remind him.

“I know.”

“Is that why you said it?”

Conrad shakes his head, “No, I said it because it’s true.”

I roll my eyes, “I’m not mean, I just had a really, really bad morning.”

“Couldn’t have been too bad, right?” Conrad says optimistically. “And this is my friend, Ben.”

“Nice to meet you.” Ben says, reaching his hand out to me with a smile.

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