Chapter 4: Is There Something You Want?

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Chapter 4: Is There Something You Want?

When I make it back up to the house, I go in the squeaky door, putting my foot down and deciding it should be safe enough to walk on my grandmother’s floor without getting too much dirt on my foot. Then again, it doesn’t look like she does much cleaning or anything of the sort around here. That is so ridiculous, by the way.

“What are you doing back up here?” The devil herself demands from the armchair in the living room.

“I’m gonna go get ready for school.” I mutter, walking down the corridor.

“And you already fed and milked Daisy and Betsy?” My grandmother asks incredulously.

“Spencer’s doing it.” I call, walking into my room.

“Well, you’re supposed to be doing it. Spencer is supposed to feed and milk Raven and Barbara. Not Raven, Barbara, Betsy and Daisy.” She scowls, following me down the hall and standing in the doorway with a scowl.

“Grandma, you need to chill out. They’re just stupid cows.”

“Maybe to you, but to me they’re family, and family takes care of family. So you get your little self out there and do it.” She demands.

I cross my room, kicking my other Tom off in the process. Grabbing the doorknob to my door, I say, “You really want it done? You do it. This is your stupid farm or whatever, not mine.” Then I close the door, pushing the little button on it in. I’m thinking that locks the door.

“Never in my life have I met such a spoiled brat.” She says through the door.

“Hey, well you know what they say; there’s a first time for everything.” I reply, going over to where I left my carry-on near the bed.

I sit down on the creaky bed, picking the carry-on up and rifling through it for something to wear to school. Since it’s just Tennessee, where I know no one at all, I don’t have to put in too much effort into what I wear. Most of my extravagant clothes are still being shipped anyway. I only have like skinny jeans and t-shirts in the carry-on. Smart, Stef, real smart. Not. There’s only one actual blouse I bought with me. What was wrong with me a few days ago when I was packing? Must have not been able to see straight through the millions of tears that were falling from my eyes every second. I take out the baby blue blouse and lie it on the bed, looking through the carry-on for a pair of jeans or something. Man, this is a pretty big carry-on. Either that or I just stuffed a lot of crap inside of it. I find a pair of black True Religion skinny jeans and my suede black platform booties, lying them with the shirt. Standing up from the bed, I drop the bag on the floor and leave the room, heading to the tiny bathroom.

When I get to the bathroom, I close and lock the door behind me before taking pulling my hoodie and shirt over my head, dropping them to the floor. I take the rest of my clothes off and then pull back the ugly yellow shower curtain, getting in and turning the water on. The problem with this shower is that the shower head is molded onto the wall. Like, I can’t take it off or anything. Back in California, the shower head could be removed and I could use it to spray with all these cool different settings like massage, vibrations, stream, all of that. Here, there’s only two settings; on and off.

I stay in the shower for a while and then get out, brush my teeth, wrap a towel around me, collecting my clothes and going back to my room. I throw my dirty clothes to the other side of the room where the others are. I really should get a clothes hamper for this stuff. I’m kinda OCD, so I can’t stand all this disorganization stuff. Well, I’m not really OCD, but I kinda self-diagnosed it.

I go back into my room and get dressed quickly, seeing that it’s already 7:30. My grandmother says I need to be leaving around 8, I think, which gives me enough time to get ready, I suppose. Looking down at my blue key-hole shirt, I smother out a few of the wrinkles, and then sit down on the bed, putting on my shoes. I grab my suitcase where some of my accessories are and pull out my owl pendant necklace, slipping it over my head and push in my Blue Nile Diamond earrings. My parents tried to get me to give them back to the retailor, but I wasn’t going down without a fight. These are my all-time favorite earrings. Sam gave them to me on my birthday a few months ago. And besides, they’re real diamonds, I wasn’t just gonna give them up. After I’m dressed I grab my brown fringe shoulder bag from the suitcase and load into it anything I may need at this school, pencils, pens, lip glosses, lip sticks, lip balms, and other stuff. Lastly I toss my phone in and zip the bag up. I grab all of my make-up and hair accessories - well, all that I can carry in two hands and make my way back to the bathroom.

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