Chapter 23: Did You Just Call Yourself Icky?

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Chapter 23: Did You Just Call Yourself Icky?

“Let’s watch Mulan,” Adeline suggests, slightly tugging on my hair as the credits for Tangled begin to roll about two hours later.  

“No, let’s watch The Avengers,” Aiden counters, glaring at his twin sister. “Mulan is a girl movie.”

“I am a girl, stupid,” She defends, pulling her hand from my hair and hitting her brother in his arm.

“Don’t hit me!” He yells, stepping forward and shoving his sisters. Not so hard that she actually falls though.

“You don’t hit me!” Adeline replies and because I’m sitting on the floor and she’s standing behind me braiding my hair,  I can’t see her next move, but I hear Aiden groan and take that to mean that she’s just kicked him.

“Guys, chill out,” Wesley scowls, coming back from the kitchen. “Stop hurting each other,” He says, sitting beside me on the floor.

“Adeline started it,” Aiden murmurs, crossing his arms angrily and stalking away from us to the recliner in the room, climbing in it.

“Well, Mommy says that you’re not supposed to hit girls so you shouldn’t have hit me back!” Adeline says, her voice loud in my ear.

“Aiden, don’t hit her, Addie don’t hit him and Addie, you’re yelling in Steffy’s ear.” Wesley chastens. “So, what movie do you guys wanna watch? I think that we should watch The Hunger Games,” Wesley suggests, but I think that he’s teasing. At least I hope so because that’s a pretty intense movie for two five year olds.

“No!” Aiden and Adeline shrill simultaneously. Oh how wonderful it must be to have a twin.

“Well, you guys better agree on something or I’m putting it in,” Wesley threatens, suppressing a grin.

Adeline reaches down and grabs my wrist, pulling a hair tie off of it. “Fine,” She sigh heavily as she ties off my fishtail braid.

“Let’s watch The Green Lantern,” Aiden calls from the blue LA-Z-BOY recliner that he’s in.

“I don’t like The Green Lantern, Aiden,” Adeline says, putting her hands on her hips and walking over towards her brother.

“Yeah, well, I do.” Aiden relies, furrowing his eyebrows as his sister stands before him. To be five years old, she’s such a diva.

“Well, I don’t.”

“Well, I do.”

“Well, I don’t.”

“Well, I d--“

“Okay,” Wesley interrupts. “I’m putting on the Lemonade movie so I hope that you both like it.”

“What Lemonade movie?” Aiden questions, getting down from the arm chair and running back to the couch.

Lemonade Mouth, duh,” Adeline says, jumping up beside her brother. “I love that movie!” She exclaims.

“I love that movie too,” Aiden responds, grinning a toothy grin.

 “Good,” He says, smiling a relieved smile, before looking at me shyly. “You wanna go up to my room?” He offers.

“Sure,” I nod, giggling at his nervousness. Oh, my boyfriend is so adorable. My boyfriend, Wesley James. Steley. Weffy. Weffy, that’s our couple name. I stand up from the floor and walk weirdly over to Wesley. I’d been sitting on the floor for like, an hour and a half because Adeline has a fascination with my hair apparently and forced me down on the floor so that she could play in it.

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