Chapter 30: Goodbye Means Going Away, Going Away Means Forgetting

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Chapter 30: Goodbye Means Going Away, Going Away Means Forgetting 

Wesley's Point of View

“Talk?” I echo. “What do we need to talk about?” Is everything okay?” I ask, listening to Steffy’s panicked words.

“Um…yes and no?” She replies, her voice strangely quiet. That’s just weird because she’s always talking and rather loudly at that.

“Okay, well, what does that mean?” I ask with a chuckle to ease the evident tension that’s existing in our phone call.

Something’s obviously wrong and I don’t know what it could be considering the fact that when I left a few hours ago, everything was just fine and dandy. Unless she ran into some trouble filling out one of her applications or something, but I doubt she’d call me about that.

“It means that it’s a good thing, what happened, I mean, but it’s also a really bad thing,” Steffy groans.

“You’re starting to freak me out, Stef,” I inform her with a soft sigh. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it ain’t all that bad. Just tell me,” I urge.

Like I said, I left Steffy’s house a few hours ago, because for some reason unbeknownst to me, my mother finds it necessary to force me to always babysit the terrible twins. I don’t understand why she couldn’t have just left Aiden and Adeline at our cousin’s house until she got off of work tonight, because that was a really nice plan, I think. My mother is a bit weird though; I think she just didn’t want me to be alone at the house at nighttime because she must think I’m seven instead of seventeen or something.

I don’t know why, but she’s been like that ever since my father went to jail. After that, she just got so protective of the twins and me. We don’t talk about it though, my dad or what he did, just because it’s a sensitive subject for my mother and the twins, of course, won’t understand it because they’re only five years old. So, we just never talk about it. It’s as if he doesn’t even exist—  well, except for when the three of them go to visit him which is only like, twice every six months.

“Um, do you remember when you first heard about my father’s company?” Steffy randomly asks me a second later.

“Yeah,” I confirm slowly, remembering the morning that I first saw her family on my television.

Of course, I didn’t know it was them because I didn’t know what they looked like at the time, but then I heard them starting to talk about the company—  Vandergeld Industries, I think it’s called. I was just flicking through the channels one morning before school, sitting on the couch down in the living room and eating some cereal when I realized that it was Steffy’s family they were talking about. I was pretty sure, I mean, Vandergeld’s not all that common a surname and not to mention the fact that the news reporter specifically said her name, Stephanie Vandergeld and how she was caught in a paparazzi stint or something a few days prior. There was a picture of her that apparently a paparazzo took and then another one of her brother, Spencer, with his fist hurling towards the camera.

Honestly though, I wasn’t really that surprised though, when I found out about Steffy’s situation. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing or anything, but she sort of just has that vibe about her. The classy and pampered vibe. Don’t get me wrong, she’s not like, stuck up or anything, but she was a little bit when she got here, I think. She’s a lot nicer now though. Then again, she was always really nice to me, it was mostly Ben and Conrad who got her attitude, but they were the ones that pried and teased her a lot, I think. Of course it was all in good humor though, they weren’t intentionally being mean.

“Why do you ask?” I query my girlfriend, running my fingers through my hair tiredly.

“Well, you know how we went broke and stuff and that’s why we moved here,” She continues, beating around the bush.

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