I Am No Bird, And No Net Ensnares Me (Part 2)

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I stood in the train station thinking of ways to earn money for a train fare. I had been cleaning shoes and helping mothers take care of their children while waiting for trains and had already gathered a small amount of coins. I spotted another family with a crying infant and decided to offer my services.

"Hello mam, My name is Y/N and I was wondering if you would like some help with your child while you wait for your train. I am very experienced in looking after children." The woman smiled at me and after a while, I was settling the crying child, walking up and down the station rocking the small them.

"Y/N" I heard a familiar voice shout my name and turned to see Mr Cuthbert stood at the entrance to the station. I quickly walked back to the family and handed the child back to their mother who gave me a few coins for helping.

I turned to face Mr Cuthbert as he walked towards me.

"So Marilla must've found the brooch, then, because I am not a thief. Now, if you'll please excuse me, I'm in the middle of earning some wages. I've got a train to catch."

"Please Y/N, I've come to bring you back to Green Gables."

"Why?! So you can banish me whenever you feel like it?! I am my own family now. And I am all I need!" I replied, my voice raising in anger. All I had wanted was a family and again I was outcast for reasons beyond my control.

"No, wait, wait. Y/N, listen. I-I've come for you. I came all this way..." Matthew started but I cut him off

"Oh, bully for you. Because so did I! And not by choice. I had to come all this way because you didn't want me!" I could feel the tears springing to my eyes but I bit them back. My loud replies had started to attract the attention of those around us and soon a man approached us.

"Is there a problem here?" He asked.

"Yes, there is." I replied. I didn't want to hear anymore of Mr Cuthbert's excuses.

"Is this man bothering you?" he asked gesturing to Mr Cuthbert.

"No, no... we're fine." I looked as Mr Cuthbert tried to get him to leave.

"This man is indeed bothering me." I said, turning away from them

"That so." the man said turning to look at Mr Cuthbert

"We're fine." Mr Cuthbert tried to assure him. "She's my daughter."

I turned back in shock. Daughter? He thought of me as his daughter? That was all I ever wanted. I looked up at Mr Cuthbert and he nodded as if to confirm my unspoken questions and opened his arms which I ran into. I had a family.

It took us a while to get back to Green Gables, back across the ferry and through Charlottetown. I sat in front of Mr Cuthbert as we rode the horse, taking in the newfound information that I finally had what I'd always dreamed off. Eventually I could see the farm house growing bigger and bigger until I was stood right in front of it. Mrs Cuthbert came out of the front door, followed closely by Anne, my red-headed sister.

"Well it certainly took you long enough to fetch her!" Miss Cuthbert snapped at Mr Cuthbert.  noticed that she was slightly dishevelled, not the put-together woman who had forced me to leave.

"Oh, sorry to... cause you worry, Marilla." Mr Cuthbert replied, giving me a quick glance to let me know I was allowed to say hello to the woman in front of me.

"Hello Miss Cuthbert." I said meekly, picking at the skin around my fingers hoping that she wanted me there the same way that Mr Cuthbert did.

"Hello, Y/N. It's nice to see you back. Please take your things up to your room. I'll get supper on." Miss Cuthbert said before turning around to walk back into the house. I followed her, giving a small glance to Anne who gave me an encouraging smile. Once in the room that I shared with Anne I placed my bag onto my bed, turning to face Miss Cuthbert again, still to nervous to look her in the eyes.

"We're having a simple supper, I won't need your help, just come down when your ready, both of you." She said before turning and going back down the stairs.

I sat myself down on the edge of my bed, opening my bag and putting my nightshirt at the end of the bed. I then closed my bag and pushed it underneath the bed.

"You're not going to unpack the rest of your things?" Anne asked me as I sat up.

"What's the point? Mr Cuthbert said that I was his daughter but Miss Cuthbert seems to dislike me more than before we left. She sent me away once, why wouldn't she do it again?" I spoke glumly.

"She was really worried about you Y/N." Anne said as I looked at her, not really believing her words. "Mrs Lynde had to come and stop her from going as well."

"She was probably worried about Matthew, not me. If she was then why is she being so cold to me?" I said, the logic in my words clear as crystal.

"I don't know Y/N, I really don't. But you're back now, with me and the Cuthbert's where you belong." Anne smiled.

"You belong here Anne, I know that. But me? I'm not so sure anymore."

Dinner was eaten without a word and that night I went up said my prayers and got into bed. I thanked god for sending Mr Cuthbert to get me. I thanked him for looking after Anne and Mrs Cuthbert. But instead of asking him to let me stay at Green Gables, I asked him to keep me safe, where ever I ended up.

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