Exam + Date

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Every people of the brawl city high school were so excited for the exam that colt, Shelly, poco and the others have prepared.
In the arena some classes were sitting down to see the exam, and the judges were Mr. Hikari, Ms. Dyane, Ms. Luna, Ms. Ellie ans Mr. Thunderman.

Ms. Dyane: good morning, brawl city high school! Today is the day we all waited for our future brawlers! As I think, everyone has prepared for this, I'm right hikari?
Mr. Hikari: sure Dyane, these guys always been good, and always been prepared to defend each other!
Ms. Ellie: the guy most surprising and full of secrets is colt!
Ms. Luna: today colt seems distracted, what you think he thinks?
Mr. Hikari: I don't know Luna, but as I see his face he doesn't look happier as he always been.
Ms. Ellie: to be honest, from yesterday he wasn't happy for all the day.
Ms. Dyane: last time I saw him yesterday, he were crying, I wanted to talk to him but then I thought better to not making him embarrassed.
Ms. Luna: that's weird.
Mr. Hikari: what do you think, Thunderman?
Mr. Thunderman: ...
Ms. Dyane: oh, right... He only talks at the end of the exam, for the results. 🙄
Ms. Ellie: alright, the first who comes in the middle is... Shelly!
Charlie: good luck.
Bibi: be careful.
Shelly: thanks guys.
Colt: s-shelly.
Shelly: yes colt?
Colt: uhm, I want to say, uhm... *Blushes more* you can do it.
Shelly: thank you, colt... Uff, alright... Let's go.

Out of the waiting room, Shelly has began to attack the target, she were using a lot of tricks to do when is in the attack.

Colt: woah... She's so amazing when she does these tricks.
Brock: you can say it louder.

At the end, Shelly has came back to the waiting room, and everyone was congrating her.

Charlie: you're amazing!
Chester: you were awesome!
Mandy: that's how the girls roll!
Shelly: thank you guys, but I got to thank colt for giving me calm and a lot of motivation in me.
Colt: *blushes more* y-you're welcome. ^^'
Mr. Hikari: now the next is... Poco!
Poco: see ya amigos!

After all these fights, everyone has done a good result, colt was the last one to go in the middle of the arena, he has the head immerged of thoughts, he were thinking what if he won't do it, what if he'll be alone forever, what if no one will have their hypercharge and what if everyone will hate him.
After all these thoughts, colt started his exam, he did a good work, but he wrong the final proof, Mr. Thunderman was watching him as his enemy, Mr. Thunderman always been serious and severe with everyone, at this point colt felt so embarrassed.

Bull: hey, you okay?
Otis: :blblbbbybbt brulu?
Spike: :( ?
Sandy: relax.
Rico: you did an amazing job.
Janet: yeah, don't you hear the crowd?
Buzz: even if you wronged the last final proof, isn't important!
Doug: you always been the best!
Colt: haven't you seen how was Mr. Thunderman watching me? Huh... I think I failed.
Shelly: don't say that! You didn't!
Rosa: yeah, look at other proofs, not the last one!
Bull: don't think about Mr. Thunderman, he is only a jerk who pretends too much!
Mortis: totally true!
Fang: don't be ashamed, you are always been our best friend and the amazing guy! You always helped us in every difficulties!
Colt: thanks guys.
Ms. Luna: every brawlers in the middle of the arena!

I'm the middle of the arena, everyone has passed well, but now the masters have to value Poco, Shelly and Colt.

Mr. Hikari: alright... Poco... You are passed, even if you sounded too loud you are passed by the way.
Poco: YESS! Good luck guys!
Ms. Ellie: Shelly... You're passed, you've been so careful and used you secret tricks to attack the targets surprisely.
Shelly: thank you.
Ms. Dyane: now... How to do with colt?
Ms. Luna: he has passed all of the proofs but the final was terrible, not to offense.
Mr. Hikari: today he seemed a bit distracted but he was even the best.
Ms. Ellie: that's right, he always been like that.
Ms. Dyane: welp... I think we've decided, you are-.
Mr. Thunderman: NOT PASSED!
Ms. Dyane: mh? Thunderman, you sure about that? Haven't you saw his abilities until now?
Mr. Thunderman: I don't even care! If he wronged the last proof he is the worst! We can't leave him pass, that's because he was distracted!!!
Freddy: YEAH!
All: *booing*

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