Something's coming

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??: I spied them all of the night, it seems like your plan is going as you planned.
??: *evil laughs* good job, Edgar... To be honest is going to be "OUR" instead of mine plan.
Edgar: the world's gonna be all for us and no one will stop us.
??: that's a good sign, but we have to find the things and build the weapon.
Edgar: the 5 pieces of the giant robot?
??: yes.
Edgar: but is hard to find them, how we can find them do easily?
??: you see this guy with red color hair? *Pointing on the screen the colt's picture* He is the key for all of this.
Edgar: wait... Is that him?
??: sure.
Edgar: does he remember?
??: not yet.
Edgar: should we have to make him remember?
??: no, the plan has to go as I planned, and he got to remember all himself.
Edgar: mh... So this guy you talking about... Will you use him as the key?
??: after getting all the pieces of the robot, I will capture him and use him, because he got a hidden thing that he never knew about it.
Edgar: and after getting his hidden thing he got, what you gonna do with him?
??: simple, kill him! *Evil loud laugh*

The next day, colt has woke up and cooked a breakfast so happier, he was singing and dancing, Poco, when he woke up, looked at colt so weird, Poco never saw colt so happy in his life.

Colt: oh, morning poco.
Poco: morning colt?
Colt: *whistling*
Poco: you look so happy today.
Colt: yep!
Poco: why?
Colt: I never forget what Shelly gaved me!
Poco: ooooh, now I understood, you so happy because Shelly gaved you a kiss on your cheek, huh?
Colt: you don't know how much good I feel today!
Poco: I see... So, have you and Shelly found this mistery?
Colt: what mistery?
Poco: about the HyperCharge powers.
Colt: *stops for 10 seconds* oh, uhm... Weirdly the HyperCharge powers has disappeared since 2004.
Colt: yes.
Poco: why?
Colt: it's a long story, to protect all the world, the kings and the queens has decided to make disappear this power.
Poco: from what?
Colt: mh?
Poco: protecting from what?
Colt: from the danger they've faced before, the monstrous giant robot! That thing was undefeatable that only the powers of the HyperCharge can stop that.
Poco: then why they made that disappear forever in the world's face?
Colt: same I don't know... The masters too doesn't know, no one had any answer about that.
Poco: wow, that's really great! We were trained to defend the world and what is the result? No powers No justice No safety of the world! I mean, what the hell of invention is never that!?
Colt: Shelly and me tried to find something but nothing came out... She told that maybe we could find out our HyperCharge powers ourselves.
Poco: what of she is right?
Colt: I don't know, Poco... If the kings and the queens has decided that then is better not to risk.
Poco: you're right.

After 2 minutes of silence, colt was having something weird, something new... Like a flashback, after that colt was almost falling down.

Poco: woah, you okay, man?
Colt: yeah... I-im good.

Colt feels pretty weird, the thing new he saw wasn't in his memory, at the point he was asking to himself "is that new?" "Did I lost some memory?" "What's wrong with me?", after these questions, he being to have other flashbacks and comes a headache.

Poco: what?
Colt: n-nothing.
Poco: (mh... He's hiding something).

Colt wasn't feeling good, he never had a moment like that, he wasn't remembering about these new memories, he was feeling like he miss something, but what?
After other 10 seconds, another flashbacks came back to his head and colt fell down with a terrible headache and hears a whistle, he has an adrenalina.

Brawl Stars: Colt X Shelly S. 1 (remake)Where stories live. Discover now