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Morgan pov:
It's been two years since I've last seen them, heard their voices, hugged them. At first it was hard but now it is a little easier. I catch myself thinking of them sometimes and it pains me. I wish I hadn't left them the way that I did. It was best though all I do is bring them pain. I hope they're doing ok.

I closed my laptop and submitted the newest chapter to my editor. When I moved I felt it easier to put my emotions on paper and it helped me a lot. My first book was published three months ago and I got a lot of positive feedback from it.

I wrote a story based on certain things I had experienced in my life. I did change some things though just so people wouldn't know it was me. I wrote under the fake name Alice. I really didn't want my identity out there. I wanted to remain a mystery Morgan didn't exist. I needed a refresh on my life.

I was about to head outside on my porch when I received a call.

Morgan: hello

" hi this is your publisher and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to do a signing?"

Morgan: sure when?

" is next week ok? We'd need you to come a couple days earlier however."

Morgan: yea that works for me where would it be?


Morgan: oh ok yea I'll be there.

I hung the phone up and she sent me the details of the trip. I was really nervous to go because I'd be going back to Germany and I really didn't want to run into anyone. My appearance has changed though so maybe they wouldn't recognize me.

My hair is so much longer now and black. I've lost a lot of weight as well. I'm sure if I were to run into anyone that knows me they wouldn't recognize me.

I headed o it to my porch and looked up at the sky. The stars were so beautiful. While looking at them I started to think of Luna. Oh sweet Luna. She's a big sister now I missed the baby.

I started to cry and the thought of little Luna. She's probably confused. Maybe she doesn't even remember me. I went inside and turned the tv on. Sometimes it helps me sleep.

" guitarist for tokio hotel Tom kaulitz spotted in a fight with love interest chantel."

Oh he moved on good for him. I hope he's happy with her. He looks different now. He doesn't look like the sweet Tom I use to know. He looks angry. Maybe he hasn't changed the news is always coming up with stupid stories.

I turned it off because seeing him made me kind of sad. I went to my bedroom and tried to fall asleep but it was so hard.

Bill pov:
We were all sat in the living room watching tv when the news came on. It was Tom he was in another fight with that chantel girl. None of like her because of how rude she is. She tries so hard to be like Morgan and it angers us.

We all looked at each other and shook our heads in disappointment.

Georg: I wish he wasn't like this. Ever since Morgan left  he's been bitter and angry.

Gustav: yea I don't think I've seen his real smile since the day we left for tour.

Bill: you have to understand though Morgan left him. She took the kids as well. He never got to meet his kids and they were suppose to get married. She left him without a trace or giving us a reason.

Maggie: I wish she would of at least told us.

Georg: we all do

I looked at my little boy asleep in Maggie's arms.

Bill: coke on let's go to bed. He'll be home later.

We all went into our rooms and went to sleep.

Tom pov:
Me and chantel just arrived at the house and I was mad at her. She really knew how to push my buttons.

Chantel: what is your problem!

She slammed the front door behind her.

Tom: my problem is you!

Chantel: what did I do!

Tom: you try to hard for attention it's gross. You flirt with anything in front of you.

Chantel: sorry I'm not perfect like Morgan. All hail the queen

Tom: don't say her name.

Chantel: what was so great about her anyway. She was fat and ugly and had a horrible attitude.

Tom: don't you dare speak bad about her! I loved her! Yea what she did was fucked up but that doesn't give you a reason to be a bitch to someone you don't even know.

Chantel: she was such a bitch and left you her you still defend her. That's pathetic!

Tom: get out of my house now!

I shoved her out of the house and turned around to see bill looking at me.

Bill: what's wrong

Tom: nothing now move!

Bill: let me help you! You never talk to me

I shoved him out of the way and headed to my room. She had no right to say what she did about Morgan. Yea what Morgan did was messed up but if she is who I think she is then she must of had a reason. Right?

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