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Morgan pov:
Me and Maggie decided to wake up super early to go get groceries while the boys were still sleeping.

Maggie: oh this looks really good!

Morgan: those it in the cart

We were picking out everything that looked good until we figured we had everything we needed. We headed to check out and the guy gave us weird looks at what we bought.

We unloaded the bags and put them in the car and headed to the house.

Maggie: I love this song so much

Morgan: let's roll down the windows

We turned the music up real loud and danced to the music playing the whole way home.

Morgan: Maggie I'm so glad I get to do this with you.

Maggie: me too I wouldn't want it any other way

We finally pulled up to the house and brought in the bags. We began putting things up but left some things out so we could eat since we hadn't all day.

Tom: Morning

Tom gave me a hug and kissed me on the top of my head. Bill came down after and did the same with Maggie. Eventually everyone was in the kitchen and then we heard little foot steps.

It was Luna and she looked at us and waved at everyone.

Tom: hi pumpkin how did you sleep

Luna: good

She grabbed toms face and gave him a kiss. It was so cute watching them together.

All of the boys were sat in the living room watching Mickey Mouse club house with Luna. I made my plate of food and so did Maggie so we sat on the couch with the boys.

Me and Maggie started eating and everyone looked at us weird.

Maggie: what?

Georg: what the hell are you eating?!

Morgan: it's good you want some?

Gustav: I'd rather die

Me and Maggie just gave them evil looks and kept eating our food. I turned my head to face Tom.

Morgan: would you like to put your input in as well?

Tom: no if that's what makes you happy I'm ok with it

I gave him a kiss and continued eating my food.

Bill: you never ate like this with Luna maybe its a boy?

Maggie: yea it feels different so maybe

Luna got off of toms lap and laid in mine. I started to braid her hair. She's got a lot for a one year old.

Morgan: would you like to see your hair Luna?

Luna shook her head in excitement and we ran to the bathroom so she could see it.

Luna: pretty

Morgan: you're a very pretty girl

Luna looked down and touched my stomach

Luna: baby

Morgan: there's two of them can you believe that?!

Luna put her hands on her cheeks and made a shocked face. I gave her a kiss on the top of her head but then I heard a noise. I looked up to see Tom looking at us.

Tom: you're so good with her. I just know you're going to be the best mom.

Morgan: That actually means a lot thank you Tom

Tom picked Luna up and we headed back into the living room.

Bill: we have a meeting with our manager tomorrow by the way.

Morgan: yea I told him I needed to speak with him about something so I'm leaving before.

Tom: about what

Morgan: just some things I've been thinking about. Once it becomes official then I'll let you know.

I haven't told anyone about the thought I've been having so I'm nervous for them to find out but I know I'm the end it will be better for me.

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