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Morgan pov:
It was the day of the signing and I was really nervous. I had just made it to the venue. Marcus led me through the building and when I walked in I was greeted by a huge crowd clapping for me.

It brought back so many memories from when the crowds use to clap for us at the concerts. I sat down in my chair and thanked everyone for coming. We started with questions.

" what inspired you to write your book?"

Morgan: well I was going through a lot and the thing that has always helped me expressing my emotions was writing. Whether it be from personal experiences or fiction.

" is the boy in the train station a real person in your life?"

Morgan: the boy is real. It's not his real name and I didn't meet him at the train station but he is my inspiration for everything I do.

" what advice do you have for someone you had a friend leaving you without a reason?"

I looked at the face and it was Maggie. She read my book?

Morgan: they probably had a reason but didn't know how to express it at the time. Everyone deals with things differently and you have to know that they probably did it to avoid causing pain to you.

I hope my answer was good enough. I really do miss them but I can't bring their lives anymore pain and heartache.

As questions dialed down the signing started. The crowd lined up and started talking to me and I signed their books. I looked up to see Maggie in line.

Maggie: I was so mad at my friend leaving because she didn't tell us why. I hope she's ok. We think about her everyday.

I stood up and gave her a hug. I don't know if she needed it more or if I did.

Eventually the signing ended and I headed outside to wait for my car. When I saw my car I went to it until I ran into a big body.

Morgan: sorry

Tom: watch where you going next time

I looked up to see Tom. He'd gotten so attractive . I miss him I really do. I feel awful for what I did to them. I got in the car and drove off to my hotel.

I ran to my room and sat on the bed. When I got this new phone I backed up all of the old photos and videos on to the new one. I know I shouldn't do this but I felt that it might help.

I opened my camera roll and started looking at pictures of us. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I opened up the videos and saw one of all of us laughing while playing twister. I miss those times. While scrolling I came across the picture of me and the twins at the foster home. I don't know why I felt the need but I set it as my Lock Screen. Maybe to help me know that there can be good times in life.

I needed air. I walked out of my hotel room and decided to go sit outside on the roof. It was night time so I knew the stars would be out.

Tom pov:
I don't know who that was that ran into me but it really pissed me off. I met up with the rest of the group and we all went to eat at some diner.

Maggie: she was so kind I'm glad I got to meet her

Bill: what's her book even about?

Gustav: yea you know none of us read.

Maggie: it a story about this girl that meets this boy at the train station. They become best friends. As they grow older the grow apart and don't see each other for years. As they got older they reconnected at the same train station they Met. They ended up together and live typical happy life together.

Tom: sounds stupid

Everyone looked at me and gave me a look as if they knew that the story sounded kind of similar to me and Morgan. No one said anything the rest of the time we were eating. Once we were done we got in the car and headed to a hotel since it was late and didn't want to drive home.

When we made it to the hotel I really needed a smoke so I went up to the roof. The stars would be out since it's night. Hearing Maggie talk about the book made me think of Morgan. I felt Like talking Tom her through the stars tonight.

When the elevator opened to the roof I walked out to see a girl sitting up there with her legs dangling off the edge of the roof. I hope I don't witness her falling.

I sat on the opposite side from her and looked up at the stars. All my memories of her started coming into my mind.

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