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Morgan pov:

" you know Derek I've dreamed about this for a while. Your face use to be In my nightmares but now it will be my face in yours. You've done a lot of fucked up shut in your life and it's time you face your actions."

I wanted him to suffer. I didn't want him to get a quick death that was the last thing he deserved. I shot him in his other leg. And then his arm. As I was shooting him I realized it wasn't enough. I wanted him to suffer.

Morgan: where's the knife

No one answered me. I wasn't focused on anyone but Derek. I was seeing red.

Morgan: I said where is the fucking knife!

I held my hand out and I didn't even look to see who was handing it to me. Derek was slowly crawling towards me. That's pathetic. He lifted his gun up and be shot me in my left arm twice.

Morgan: lucky for you Derek I'm  right handed

I smiled at him. The same smile he use to give me before he would torture me all those years. I lifted the knife and slashed his arm slowly. He screamed and I enjoyed it.

Morgan: that's not even the beginning. I'm going to make sure you suffer slowly.

I dragged the knife slowly through his other arm. Then his legs ignoring that there were bullets in there. I was pleased with my work. But I needed to do one more thing before I was done. He was crying.

Morgan: you cry now? You made me cry so much and all you did was laugh at me or tell me I deserved it. Now I'll do the same things.

I twirled the knife in my fingers and slowly brought it down into his stomach and all the way down. There is no way he'd survive this. Once that was done I looked at him satisfied with my work.

I turned around to see all of the boys looking at me with shocked or worried looks.

Morgan: sorry you had to see that

No one said anything they just looked worried about me. There was nothing to worry about though the monster that would haunt my dreams was finally gone. I headed out of the door and noticed no one was following me.

Morgan: are y'all coming?

They all nodded their heads slowly. As we were about to walk outside I started to feel a bit light headed and then it went black.

Tom pov:
I don't know what I just witnessed but I knew she needed to realize all of that anger. I was actually really proud of her. We were about to head home I noticed she looked sick and then she passed out. Luckily I was behind her so I caught her.

Tom: y'all head home I'm going to take her to the hospital. I think the bullets are making her lose blood.

I gently placed her in the car and I drove us to the hospital. I was nervous since it's her arm though I'm sure she'll be fine but she was loosing a lot of blood.

When we arrived I carried her in and explained she got shot twice and needed medical attention immediately. They put her on a gurney and took her into a room immediately. I sat down on a chair and waited for any kind of word from anyone about her condition.

We haven't even been married a week and this all happened. I received a text this morning from an unknown number telling me to meet them at a certain location. If I didn't they would get Morgan.

I didn't want anything to happen to her again so I went. When I arrived I was hit over the head and knocked out. When I woke up I was strapped to a chair. I knew it was Derek. He deserved everything he got today.

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