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Morgan's pov: the boys headed for a concert but I decided to stay at home. I wanted to be alone. Also there was something I really wanted to do.

When Derek was nice to me he bought me a guitar. I taught myself it felt better to teach yourself in my opinion. I loved the sound it made. While they were gone I decided I had some money I had stolen from derek from the drugs I sold. The night I escaped.

I walked down the street looking for a music store. I found one and in the window was the most beautiful guitar. It was solid black.

" hi is there anyway I can help you?" The nice man behind the counter asked. He looked very nice. He was an older man. " how much is the black electric guitar in the window?"

" it's quiet expensive it's $800. You'd also need an amp for it. Those are around $500." I looked at the money in my hand. I sold over $3,000 worth of drugs that night. It was worth it. I handed the old man the money. I took the guitar home and was so happy.

I arrived at the boys house. Their concert started an two hours ago. They normally go to a club after so I have alone time to play.

I plugged the guitar in and everything came back to me. My favorite song to play was November rain. Slashes guitar solo in the song was so beautiful. There was something pure about it. I played the song on the tv so I could have the background of the song.

Bills pov: we decided not to go to a club since we were all exhausted.

We finally arrived at the house and I heard music being played. Maybe Morgan just wanted to play some music. I didn't know she liked Guns N' Roses though I was shocked.

I opened the door in complete shock.

Morgan's pov: I drank a little before I started playing. I wanted to pretend like I was in a band and we were performing at a concert. When the song sped up I jumped on the coffee table and started playing my heart out.

The music was so loud I didn't even hear the door open. I turned around to see four shocked faces looking at me. I was so embarrassed. No one knew this about me but Derek.

" I thought y'all would be at a club. I'm so sorry I'll get off your table."  No one said anything. I heard claps and looked up to see all four of them clapping for me. Tom was even clapping.

" we want an encore we only heard the end" bill said. His smile was from ear to ear. " I have an idea" gustav said. I didn't know what was going on. They all brought out their instruments.

We all began playing together. It felt so special. When the music began to speed up they all stopped and let me have my solo. Toms eyes looked different. Was he admiring me? I didn't focus I just kept playing.

This was what I was meant to do. I was meant to play. The guitar was one of the few things that made me truly happy. The song was finally over. Everyone was quiet which made me nervous. I don't like the quiet when the attention is on me.

" Morgan you're absolutely amazing! Where did you learn this?" Georg said with a smile on his face.

" Um I taught myself?" It came out as a question.

" there's no way you taught yourself to play like that." And Tom is back.

" I did I taught myself to play a lot of instruments actually."

" like what?"

" Derek wanted me well rounded I play the piano, guitar, drums, and the flute believe it or not!"

Tom didn't say anything.

" I didn't realize how talented you were. Why didn't you tell me this?"

" some things I like to keep private!" I yelled and headed upstairs to sleep.

Bills pov:

" now that we know Morgan is talented I say we have her perform at one of our concerts."

" he'll no I'm not sharing the stage with her!"

" Tom she's been through a lot I think this will help her."

It's settled we have rehearsal tomorrow and another concert in 2 weeks.

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