Chapter 1

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There is little that scares me.

Unlike most girls, I don't run from bugs, nor do I shy away from getting dirty. Scary movies are my pastime and spending time with my family is my joy.

So what's there to be scared about?

I try to tell myself, yet my heart doesn't listen to my brain and my brain doesn't listen to my thoughts. I want to smile and pretend that I'm fine for my parent's sake, but my limbs shake with every breath he takes and my tears fall with every touch that grates my skin.

I should fear nothing. Humans are the apex predators. We're on top. We control what gets to live and what doesn't.

I guess that's why I'm afraid. I'm not worried about the bugs that crawl under my feet, or the dirt that dirties my skin. I'm worried about humans. Because a bug can't hurt me, and the dirt won't kill me, but a human? Specifically, my fiance? With one twist of his hand, my neck can snap and just like that, I'll be gone. No longer will I be able to spend time with my family. No longer will I be able to breathe.

So why am I afraid?

Well, it's simple. I stand on a tightrope, where one wrong move can close my eyes forever. My executioner being the one man who's supposed to love me unconditionally.

Jason Beauregard.

A well-known landlord who recently took over his father's business and owns the land that my parents are currently trying their best to pay off.

While visiting our home on that cold, stormy night. I remember it vividly because it was the night my rain of terror began. The smell of fresh rain permeated the air as the fire in the fireplace crackled and warmed the living room area where I sat with my little sister.

It was a cozy night where the family gathered to play board games. I had to keep an eye on my cheating father, who tended to slip a card or two up his sleeves while we weren't looking. My mother bustled around the kitchen, preparing dinner.

Jason was in the neighborhood and stopped by to inform us of the change in landlords.

My older brother was the one to answer the door. After a brief introduction, he invited Jason in and called Mom and Dad to introduce themselves. I was curious back then, so I peeked down the hallway to see what the commotion was about.

That was when we first met.

His eyes, almost resembling that of a snake, locked onto mine from afar. It startled me and I hurriedly hid myself behind the wall with a racing heart.

I remember the look on his face. I can never forget that look. It's a look I fear to this day, a year later.


Having seen me, my parents called me and my sister out to introduce ourselves. I was 17 at the time.

The rest of that night is honestly quite a blur to me and I can't remember anything besides sitting down at the table with my family and Jason, conversation flowing like water as everyone settled in and got to know each other.

When he learned that my older brother was currently looking for a job, Jason offered one, which helped to lower my parents' guard even further.

That night ended on a good note and Jason won over everyone's heart. Fast forward to a month later and his intention was revealed. He asked my parents for my hand in marriage.

In this small town where I live, arranged marriages are very common. You'll be lucky if you get a man who has a good family, reputation, and money.

Jason ticks all those boxes, and so my parents readily agreed, thinking our family was set for life. And we are.

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