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"Teodoro for three!" and the crowd went wild following the buzzer. People are coming down the bleachers, going after the man who made the team win.

"Taenang Teo 'yan, MVP na naman," a man wearing black and white overheard a man from the opponent side say.

"Uy! Caleb, right?" the man from the opponent side questioned. Taking a quick glance at him, Caleb nodded icily.

He heard another man whisper, "Gago! Kung mahal mo buhay mo, wag ka na lumapit diyan."

"Bakit?" the man responded.

"Hue 'yan pare," the other man replied.

Caleb noticed how the two men distanced themselves from him. He gave an evil smirk before he left the bleachers.

Unable to move past due to a clump of people on the exit, he shoved everyone in front of him. He said, "Move your asses." All eyes went on him, and in a moment, all but one of them yielded to him.

The interviewee was in the middle, obstructing Caleb's path as the interviewers had moved aside.

Caleb muttered, "Move," but the MVP didn't even bat an eyelid.

"Next time, tapangan mo pa konti," the MVP responded.

Silver, Teo's friend, walked up to him and said in a whisper, "Hate, that's a Hue."

Han grinned and lifted a brow. He moved closer to him, keeping their faces a few inches apart, and continued, "Just because you're a Hue doesn't mean you could do whatever you want." He went on, "Kung matapang ka, wag mo gamitin ang pagiging isang Hue mo. Lumaban ka nang patas. Magsabi ka kahit anong laro, pag natalo kita, wag ka na ulit magaangas dito sa teritoryo ko. Kuha mo?"

Caleb answered, keeping their distance from each other, "Ang haba ng sinabi mo. The first one to blink loses." He uttered, "Three, two, one..."

After becoming a little perplexed, Teo exclaimed, "Teka, maduga ka! Ito na labanan natin? Ang intense ha."

"Are you afraid that everyone here will see you lose in a simple childish game? Binagay ko na nga sayo 'yong laro—pathetic, immature," Caleb responded.

"Ay! Pasensya na, Caleb. Ito na, itatabi ko na," Silver went in between them, attempting to get Han away from Caleb.

"Teka, Silver," Teo shoved him away and approached Caleb again, this time a little closer than before. "Game," he said.

For about a minute, they both looked at one another without flinching. The school journalists were able to record their match. Tears welled up in Teo's eyes, but he refused to give up.

On the other hand, Caleb continued to fix his gaze on Teo's eyes regardless of how long it had been since his last blink; Because he detected something odd in his eyes that piqued his curiosity. Teo's eyes had completely engrossed and dazed him. It was dark, and somehow Caleb felt it was empty.

Caleb's gaze slid down to his opponent's lips, which are grinning at him right now. Teo said, "Kahit anong gawin mo, hindi mo 'ko matatalo."

Caleb whispered, "What if I told you, I like your eyes?"

It took Han by surprise. Hearing what Caleb had just stated, he flinched. With a stammer, "A-anong sabi mo?"

Han was still processing what he had heard and was breaking out in cold sweats. "Sheesh! Nagblink ka, Hate!" exclaimed Silver.

Caleb said, "You lose, now get out of my sight."

After being pushed aside, Teo blocked Caleb again and exclaimed, "Maduga! Kinausap mo ako!"

"You initiated it," Caleb shot back.

"Oo nga naman, Han. Nakita ko panay ang bulong mo kay Cal, 'di nga namin marinig," Silver said, causing Han to prod him.

"Hon?" Caleb asked.

"Yes, hon?" Teo responded in jest.

"Tungaw!" Silver said, making it clear to Caleb that they were not a thing.

"Don't ever come close to me again," Cal said to Teo, leaving them.

Just as Teo was going to follow Caleb, the school media interrupted him and carried on with their interview. He simply let out a sigh when he lost sight of Caleb.

Another minute went by, and the crowd once more gasped and whispered, "Another Hue."

Everyone stepped aside as the man walked past. Their glances followed the tall, gorgeous man, moving toward Han Teodoro.

Hue grabbed Han close while he was still responding to some interview questions.

"Just like a close friend of mine, nahirapan din akong pagsabayin ang studies at pagaar—"

Their lips met as the Hue drew him in close. He could see who it was with his eyes wide open. Slowly, he closed his eyes and deepened their kiss.

Conversely, Silver found it difficult to see his friend in such situation. He requested that the journalists respect their privacy and refrain from taking any pictures.

Han was nearly out of breath when their lips parted. "What brought you here, Gold?" he inquired.

Gold shrugged his shoulders in response, saying, "I was just bored." Pulling him along, he said, "Let's have some fun."

Teo had no choice but to follow the Hue. And Gold took him to play billiards in their mansion, as was customary. Teo responded, "Hindi ka ba nagsasawa dito? Let's play a different game this time."

"Why? Nagsasawa ka na?" Gold asked back, maintaining eye contact.

Teo replied, "No, hindi sa ganon. Baka lang kasi nabobored ka na sakin."

Abruptly, a figure materialized in their direct line of sight. Gold stated, "I didn't know you already went back here to the mansion."

He responded, "Mind your own business, Austin," as he went to retrieve a bottle of booze from the refrigerator.

Austin answered, "Then go and don't ruin our day."

"Gold, lalo pa nga atang gumanda ang araw," Teo cut in. "Yung consequence ko, hindi mo pa nilalapag," he added, talking to the man who just came in.

"I see, you're the pathetic guy. Consequence? Get your ass away from me," Caleb responded and left.

"I don't like where this is going, Han. Not my brother. I'm ending the contract," Austin stated, looking furious.

Teo wasn't happy with what he heard either; he pleaded, "No, no. Gold, hear me out. I need this. I need you. You're my only hope to see hue once again."

To be continued...

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