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"Why? Wanna be my boyfriend as well?"

"Pupuwede ba?" Han muttered to himself.

Glancing straight into Caleb's eyes, he gulped. Han would risk everything, if only he could. For once, he would acknowledge that even a person at the bottom of society, like him, might develop feelings for someone far higher up than himself.

One of the nurses said, "Good day, Sir Hue. Is your boyfriend ready?" to them.

Caleb turned to face Han again, but he was unable to read his thoughts—something he hadn't done since they first met. Caleb was unable to discern the darkness and emptiness that were in his eyes. So simply, "We're not together. He's my bodyguard," he retorted.

Han suddenly came to his senses, back to reality, where he and Caleb could never fall in love.

Turning to face the nurse, they both saw how she looked down at their hands, which had been entwined since earlier.

With haste, Han raised his hand away from Caleb and remarked, "Pramis bodyguard ako, Miss Yuma."

Nurse Yuma led Han to Dr. Yale—the renowned best ophthalmologist in the country. Elite families comprise the majority of his patients. It was just Han, a patient with less than average status who was nevertheless one of his favorites due to his unusual eye ailment.

Dr. Yale welcomed Han as he entered his office, saying, "You're back, Mr. Teodoro. Good to see you again with a different Hue this time."

In response, Han scratched his head and exclaimed, "Si Doc naman namiss ako agad! Mahabang kwento, Doc."

The doctor said, smiling mischievously, "I have time. Come sit," while Han shook his head gently and seemed a little embarrassed.

"I'm finally able to meet the infamous rebel Hue because of you," Dr. Yale told his patient as he used a slit lamp to examine his eyes.

Han endured several tests that took hours to complete. Following all of this, Dr. Yale gave him a greater dosage of the medications he is now taking, along with eye drops to reduce discomfort. He was told to come back and undergo testing each month.

Approaching Han as he left the room, Caleb asked, "Ano raw?"

With a smile, Han responded, "Pabulag na."

With wrinkled brows, Caleb nudged him and said, "Stop kidding!"

Han was laughing at Caleb's reaction when the doctor also opened the door. He asked, "Mr. Hue, may I speak with you?"

Without any delay, Caleb trailed him inside the office and sat down. Caleb was informed by Dr. Yale of the results and told him that it would cost a lot more than expected. Just as he thought there was no hope left for Han's condition, Nurse Yuma entered and said, "Excuse me, Doc. Pinabibigay lang po ni Han."

Caleb was given a piece of paper by Yuma. Opening it right away, Caleb saw the words, "Wag ka maniwala sa sinasabi ni Doc. Hindi pa ako mabubulag. I'd still see y̶o̶u̶ hue."

What he'd read had warmed Caleb's heart. "I'll do everything, so you'll see me in more than just black and white," Caleb thought.

Caleb shakes hands with Dr. Yale and says, "Thank you, Doc," as he leaves the office.

He saw Han in the lounge interacting with a kid. He halted his steps in their direction and observed as Han had fun playing with the incoming chairman of one of the nation's largest corporations.

Han yelled, "Cal!" as soon as he saw him standing in the hallway.

"Is he the guy you're telling me about, kuya Han? Your boyfri—" Han covered the kid's lips promptly.

"Hey, Eton," Caleb said to the young child. Eton hurried over to the older and embraced Caleb as soon as he recognized him.

With his hands in his pockets, Caleb questioned Han, "Why are you smirking?" as they left the clinic and crossed the street.

"Kilala mo pala 'yong bata, natutuwa lang ako," Han said, giggling a little.

Caleb responded, "He's the chairman's only son. We've met a couple of times sa mga events nila Mr. Hue."

Astonished, Han replied, "Close kayo? Pag may sinabi siya, wag ka maniwala. Gawa-gawa lang niya 'yon."

"Ugali mo bang pagmukhaing sinungaling ang lahat ng tao?" Caleb asked, chuckling.

"Teka, teka! Tumawa ka ba? Sabi na napapasaya kita eh!" Han enthusiastically stated with a little bit of jest, instantly causing Caleb to change his mood, creasing his brows.

"Alam mo, hindi mo naman kailangan itago 'yang nararamdaman mo," Han went on, putting his hands in his pockets as well.

It made Caleb stop walking. A little taken aback, he looked directly into Han's eyes. "Did he find out that I'm a little intrigued by him?" he thought.

Han turned to face him and walked backward, saying, "Oh, nahinto ka diyan? Tara na!"

Caleb took a step forward again, walking at Han's speed. "Anong sabi mo kanina?"

"Ah kahapon sa court. Narinig ko sinabi mo, hindi lang ako sigurado kung tama. Ang iingay kasi ng mga haliparot," he responded in jest.

Han continued as they walked side by side with one hand out of his pocket, "Sabi mo hindi maganda laro ko, masyadong pakitang-gilas. Tama? Hindi mo naman kailangang itago 'yon."

Caleb once more chuckled, making Han gaze at him. Han felt as though they were strolling down the street more slowly. Only Caleb was visible as the otherwise bustling street started to quiet down.

Caleb started to answer him, though this time, all Han could hear was his rapid heartbeat.

With a frown, Caleb said, "See? Hindi ka nakikinig," causing Han to return to his senses.

"Sorry! May tutuli kasi ata ako. Ano nga ulit 'yon?" Han said, making up excuses.

"Sabi ko, pakitang-gilas ka sa mga babae don," Caleb replied, as he let his hands out of his pocket and accidentally touched Han's hand that were swinging as they walked.

While they were walking past a busy store, music was heard—

"Di pinapansin, ingay sa tabi.
Magulong kapaligiran, sa 'yo lang ang tingin."

—without hesitation, Han slid his hand slowly over to Caleb's and intertwined their fingers.

"Hindi mo ba pansin, I'm showing off to you and you alone?"

To be continued...

Hatin' Hue: A JOKEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now