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Over in the corridor, Crimson called Caleb to discuss serious business. "It's been months since our dads made the decision. They're expecting our approval sooner or later," Crimson stated.

"I know, but could we delay it for a while? Kahit another one month lang. A lot of people are involved in this," Caleb answered.

Crimson put his hand on Caleb's shoulder and said, "I agree. It's good that we're on the same page, Calamine. Thanks for keeping my secret."

Caleb chuckled, saying, "You're really not good at keeping secrets." He continued, teasing, "Just by the way you look at him, I could already sense your admiration."

Crimson laughed and said, "Yeah, well, you managed not to tell anyone about it."

"Speaking of the devil," Crimson said to Caleb as he saw Han getting closer. "Hey, bodyguard! Where's Silver?" he continued.

While Crimson and Han were talking, Caleb couldn't keep his gaze on Han. He was still filled with pricks after seeing him leave his brother's room.

Caleb hurriedly muttered, "I'll see you later," to Crimson and walked away.

"Dami ko na namiss, dre," he heard Han remark, and then their startled gazes locked. "I also missed you," Caleb mentally responded.

But Caleb had to face reality when he heard Han's teammate ask, "May chics ka diyan 'no?" and understood that Han would never be able to meet his feelings halfway.

"I told you to stay away from m—" he said when he noticed Han had moved close to him but stopped when their faces had almost touched each other.

"I love your eyes," Caleb thought he had said only in his mind, losing control of his emotions.

He heard Han say, "H-hon," giving him the idea that Han might have liked him even a bit, which encouraged him to take some chances.

His assumptions grew bigger when he noticed how Han objected to his friends' suggestion of going back to court, just to make it up with him.

"Just go," he said.

And Han whispered, "Hindi pa tayo okay."

Without any hesitation, Caleb was willing to jump in for some risks, "Come to the mansion after your training so we can talk. You already know where to find my room."

Caleb bought him new clothes so Han could no longer associate himself with his brother. It is his initial action to prevent more disputes. However, Austin was already with Han when they arrived at the court.

Crimson walked by them, whispering, "Yare."

"Why are you here?" inquired Caleb.

"Picking up Gold. I need to settle things with him," Crimson replied, and Caleb nodded in response.

Egged on by Han and Austin's closeness, Caleb interrupted Han's remarks, saying, "I'm not here to converse with you. I was just dragged by Silver to give you this."

He saw Crimson by himself as he made his way from the court to the parking lot. His words, "Hey," startled Crimson.

"Hey, Calamine. I told Gold about Silver already," he smiled pitifully in response.

Caleb patted him on the back and said, "I guess Austin didn't take it well. But I'm proud of you."

Crimson replied, "Now, make me proud. Forget about our engagement and follow your heart. Chase Hate."

"Shit," Caleb muttered right after he was done showering. A second later, he heard his bedroom door twisted, "Can you pass my bath towel? It's hanging in my closet. Nalimutan kong kunin," he said hesitantly.

With no delay, Han followed and handed him his towel. Eventually, Caleb's thoughts were discussed by the two.

The fact that Caleb was thinking about his engagement to Crimson, which their families were about to make public, caused Han to interpret his intentions incorrectly and interpret them unfavorably.

All he wanted was to love and feel loved before things got worse. Furthermore, Caleb only desired to become closer to Han—his pretend boyfriend—and take a chance with his emotions. However, he also muses over Han's likely reaction to the news of his engagement.

He detests doing Han harm. He detests, nevertheless, that he isn't living the life he had imagined.

"Hon," he said.

However, Han answered, "Sorry. Kailangan ko magpahangin. Please, wag ka munang sumunod," and turned to leave the room.

Just as Caleb was going to follow him, his knees gave out. As he took his first step, he fell to the ground. He balled up and began to sob.

He had no idea why it was so painful for him. He felt bad about speaking things he shouldn't have. And he came to the realization that perhaps he wasn't taking enough risks.

Getting stronger, he made an effort to find Han. After several minutes, he was still unable to locate him until he heard some pool splashing.

And that's when he noticed Han swinging his feet in the water and talking to himself. Even though Caleb could hardly hear him, he attempted to listen in.

He heard Han ask, "One month. Boyfriend ko siya nang isang buwan. Kaya ko ba?"

That statement from Han answered all of Caleb's questions. "Kaya ba niya?" he thought. It made him realize that he's putting Han in a difficult situation, forcing Han to return him the love he was about to give.

Just as Caleb was ready to walk up to Han and tell him it's acceptable to decline if he doesn't feel comfortable, a man emerged from the water.

Austin put on his towel and remarked, "One month goes by quickly, Teo. After that, you'll be free. Makakabalik ka na sa normal life mo without the Hues pestering you."

Han squinted so hard as he followed his attention to Gold. When Gold saw it, he inquired, "Are you okay?"

He muttered, "Wala akong makita," but Caleb heard it clearly and felt as though his blood had evaporated. Fearing for his life, Caleb ran back to his room and dug through Han's bag to find his medication.

It's been a minute, and he still can't seem to find it. He gave Silver a call right away. "Silver, do you know where Han's medicines are? It's an emergency."

"Huh? Paanong emergency eh nasa bulsa niya lang naman? Nako, kinalimutan na naman niya magtake. Ssob, bigyan mo lang ng basong tu—" and Caleb ended the call without waiting for more information to get a glass of water.

He ran across his brother while returning to the pool area. Austin prompted, "Nagmamadali ka, careful on handling the glass."

Thoughts of "Kailan pa siya nagkapake sa kapatid niya?" crossed Caleb's mind, but he was too preoccupied to keep provoking his brother.

Then Austin said, "If I were you, I wouldn't go there," which perplexed Caleb even more. "I don't know for how long, but Teo is fine," he continued.

Nervously, Caleb asked, "What do you mean?"

Before turning to go, Austin responded, "Nothing; dad's just talking with him."

To be continued...

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