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Curious, Caleb questioned, "How did you know all that?"

Han said, averting his eyes from Caleb, "Palagi akong maaga umuuwi, kaya halos wala akong breaks sa training, binabayaran ko 'yong undertime ko."

He continued, "Para mabantayan ka lagi pauwi. Delikado sa labas."

The fact that Han had told Caleb all of those astonished him. He couldn't say anything.

Han went on, "Trinopa ko pa si Crimson para huthutan ng pang-gastos sa mga gamot ng sugat mo."

Caleb exclaimed, shocked, "You what?"

"Hehe joke lang!" Han responded, holding up a peace sign. "Sinabihan ko si Silver na sabihin kay Crimson na pinapasabi mong kailangan mo ng gamot sa sugat," and let out a soft chuckle.

"You're insane," Caleb retorted.

"Pasensya na, wala rin kaming pambili ni Silver eh," Han said, still giggling. He cleared his throat before he continued in a serious tone, "Seryoso ako, hindi mo na ako kailangan gastusan. Kaya ko na humanap ng ibang paraan."

"Exactly how?" Caleb asked.

Han responded, grinning, "Hahanap ng ibang makaka-deal. Madali lang naman magpanggap na jowa. Ikaw, kailangan mo na ng totoong bodyguard. 'Yong maproprotektahan ka talaga."

Caleb promptly said, "No. Tuloy ang deal natin. I'll get back to the mansion," after hearing Han's other solutions.

"Ba't ka ba kasi umalis? Kung labag sa loob mo bumalik, wag na. Okay lang talaga ako," Han said, giving Caleb a quick pat on the shoulder.

Perceiving that Caleb was still unsure of how to respond, Han replied, "Ayos lang, sa susunod mo na sagutin. Basta ang importante ngayon, ligtas ka parati."

Caleb, for the first time, let his emotion show. He smiled genuinely at Han.

But stopped short as soon as Silver returned, shoving open the door with force, and exclaiming, "Anak ng tinola! 3-in-1 lang pala kaya ng budget ko. Umiinom ka ba nito, ssob?"

Caleb sighed and answered, "There's always a first time," and grabbed the pack from Silver.

Han's lips immediately formed a curve as he witnessed new sides of Caleb every single day—aspects he never would have imagined Caleb to possess.

Glancing over to Caleb, Silver asked, "Inlababo ka ata kay ssob?" as his friend was smiling.

Han said, lowering his pillow and positioning himself for a nap, "Mahirap ma-inlab ang mahirap, par. Wala akong panahon para diyan."

The sound of whispering next to Han startled him into wakefulness. He overheard Caleb and Silver arguing about something.

Caleb said, "No, no, no. It's on me. Babalik na rin naman ako sa mansion mamaya."

Han observed as Caleb turned down the cash Silver was offering him to cover his medical expenses. They all turned to look at Han as he cleared his throat.

"Ako na 'to, Cal. Ipang-taxi mo na lang 'yan alam kong hindi ka sanay sa jeep," remarked Han.

He replied, "No, you're my bodyguard, and you're my responsibility. I'll take care of your bills and treatment; that's our agreement," and hurriedly left to pay the hospital bill.

"May lahing teluk talaga mga Hue ano?" Silver remarked, chuckling. "Quotang quota bespal ko! May salamin na, may pang tests and treatment pa!" he added.

"Huelog ng langit," Silver once more said in jest, teasing his friend.

"Parang hindi ko yata kayang perahan si Caleb, par. Eh kung tanggapin ko na lang scholarship abroad para hindi na ako makita ni Caleb habambuhay?" Han stated, causing him to get nudged by his friend.

"Timang ka? Baka ikaw ang hindi na makakita habambuhay pag ginawa mo 'yan," he retorted. "Alam mo namang lalong hindi ka magagamot doon," he added.

"Kaya nga sa Hue ako unang kumapit kasi deserve naman nilang perahan. Pero si Caleb, iba siya sa lahat ng Hue," Han responded, clutching his temple with both hands.

"Hindi mo naman pineperahan. Binigyan ka nga ng totoong trabaho diba?" Silver stated, trying to let it sink in for Han.

However, Han still persisted, saying, "Trabahong alam nating lahat na imposibleng magampanan ko nang tama dahil dito sa mata ko."

The door swung wide, showing Caleb, who was occupied with examining the doctor's order and receipt. He concluded, "You'll get discharged tomorrow if you make sure nothing else is painful."

Han nodded and grinned, letting everyone know he's already alright. However, Caleb squinted as though attempting to cast doubt on Han's sincerity. Han quickly made a promise-pointing gesture with his right hand, crossing his heart.

"Okay, we'll have your eyes checked tomorrow then," Caleb added.

Caleb and Han are still debating whether or not to go, even on the day they arrive at the clinic where Han had his eyes examined with Austin previously.

Caleb said, "Nandito na tayo, don't be stubborn," seeing that Han was making up excuses to get out of his scheduled eye test.

Pulling loose from Caleb's hold, Han reasoned out, "Wag na kasi, mahal masyado 'to. Hindi sapat na bodyguard mo lang ako."

Feeling a little offended by Han's reasoning, Caleb asked, "You're telling me that being Austin's fake boyfriend is a lot more deserving of the treatment than having to earn it as a bodyguard?"

Han said, "Harapin mo nga ako. Huy! Caleb naman!" as Caleb turned away from him. "Nagtatampo ka na naman ba?" Han inquired, attempting to read Caleb's expression to gauge how he was feeling.

"No, I'm not," he answered coldly, still not facing Han.

Han tried to clarify, "Hindi naman kasi sa ganon," but Caleb interrupted him quickly.

"Ganon 'yon, Hate," Caleb shot back.

"Hindi sa hindi ko deserve. Hindi mo lang kasi talaga deserve. Ah basta! Mali ka ng iniisip, okay?" Han said, before holding Caleb's hand as well and made his way to the clinic.

He continued, "Payag na ako, basta totoong bodyguard mo na ako. At dagdagan mo pa role ko hangga't mabayaran ko nang patas 'tong mga gagastusin mo. Deal?"

Caleb sheepishly grinned and replied, "Why? Wanna be my boyfriend as well?"

To be continued...

Hatin' Hue: A JOKEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now