Chapter 1

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Ever since I learnt how to speak, I've known the words 'New York'. It was the big city of dreams. My big city of dreams. I've always known I'd move there someday, to be an actor, or to perform on Broadway, but when Abby introduced me to the Joffrey Ballet School, my mind was set. That was where I would be going. I didn't care how much effort I had to put in to enter their prestigious ballet company, I had to get in. For 16 years I've worked my butt off perfecting my technique and mastering the natural grace of a ballerina. For 16 years I'd smile at the poster stuck right across from my bed every night before I went to sleep, which captured a few ballerina's dancing onstage with the title 'Joffrey Ballet School: The school of dreams'. For 16 years I've dreamed of the day I'd get my acceptance letter and fly off to New York to train with the Joffrey Ballet School.

Who would have thought these 16 years would fly by so fast?

As I sit here at the Pittsburgh airport VIP lounge, enjoying the view of the runway, I look back at the last 16 years and smile. I've come a long way from being that little 2 year old girl who wouldn't let mom take off my tutu after my first ballet lesson. I even insisted on wearing it to school. That was how much I'd loved ballet. I guess over the years, other styles of dance took over as my favorite, but ballet was still something I had undeniable passion for. It was something I'd always worked hard at. Finally, 16 years of tough ballet training had paid off.

I take another sip from my warm cup of delicious tea as another plane leaves the runway. I wonder how many planes will leave this airport in the next hour I'm stuck here. I can't wait to get on my plane and leave for New York, mainly because I couldn't wait to see the Big Apple, but also because I'd meet some of my best friends there. Chloe, Josh, Paige and Kendall were there already. Chloe got an early acceptance into Joffrey and she'd already left Pittsburgh a few months back to join the school. I wonder if she felt what I was currently feeling. Probably not, since she had Josh with her. He and Paige were attending university in New York and Kendall was there acting as well as developing her singing career. I wish I could meet them immediately, but due to the overload of flights today, my flight had been delayed. All I could do now was wait.

A soft 'ding' came from my phone, signalling an incoming message. It was from Kenzie and said, 'Sorry I was still asleep when you left, I'm not a morning person. Hope you have a safe trip. Miss you already! xox!' I smile as I type back, 'Thanks! And count yourself lucky that you didn't have to witness mom and Greg acting like they were sending me to my death haha. Miss you too xoxo!' I know Kenzie still has dance today, so she probably wasn't going to see my message immediately. I decide to read the book I'd packed in anticipation of these kinds of times. I turn to reach into the duffle bag beside me, but suddenly, I feel my elbow sweeping into something. Oh no, I think in panic. This wasn't good. I try to push my chair back, but it's too late. The teacup had already tipped off the table, spilling its contents onto my skirt before crashing to the floor. Great, now my skirt's drenched in tea!

Thank god I have a change of clothes in my duffle! I grab the pair of jeans that couldn't fit into my luggage and head towards the washroom to change into it. After I'm done changing, I walk out of the washroom while trying to fold my skirt at the same time, preventing me from seeing where I was going. I turn take a left turn and bump into something hard, making me lose my balance and stumble backwards. A hand grabs my arm and I realize it wasn't a something that I had bumped into, but rather a someone. He looked about a year or two older than me and was pretty tall. His slightly unkempt hair was chestnut brown and his piercing light blue eyes were staring at me in worry. "Are you okay?" he asks, helping me regain my balance. Oooh, his voice! "I- yeah! I'm sorry I... you know..." I stutter. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry! Trust me to not look where I was going. Thank god you're fine," he interrupts with a laugh. "Neither was I so it's sorta my fault too," I mumble in one breath. "Well, if you're sure you're fine, I've got a flight to catch. Hope we meet again," the guy removes his hand from my arm and smiles before walking away. I can't take my eyes of his figure as he gets smaller and smaller in the distance.

"Well, if you're sure you're fine, I've got a flight to catch. Hope we meet again," he had said. Yeah, I hope we meet again too. I sigh dreamily, then widen my eyes. "I've got a flight to catch." So do I! I snap out of my daydream and peek at my watch. It's 10 minutes before the gates close. I sigh as I speed towards the lounge to pick up my belongings. If I didn't hurry, I'd miss my flight.

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Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of 'New York Dreams'. I know it's pretty long but this is sorta my main fic now and I really want it to be good and developed so hopefully you guys are okay with this length. Please feel free to leave feedback and anything you guys wanna see in the comments so I can improve.

Also, a huge thank you to all my 'Forever and Always' readers. I'm so sorry for the horribly long wait, I just didn't have the inspiration to write. But I'm back now with the sequel!

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