Chapter 2

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I get onto my flight five minutes before the expected takeoff time. I drag my luggage down the endless rows of seats, navigating through the crowds of people in the aisle. 23... 24... 25... ah, there's 26! I look down from the numbers situated on top of the seats to check if I've got seatmates and to my surprise, I meet the eyes of the toilet guy. He smiles when he sees me looking at him. For a moment, I just stand frozen to the spot in shock. What fate we have. "Hi, nice to meet you again. Need any help with the luggage," he asks. "No, it's fine I-" Before I can finish my sentence, Mr Toilet Guy has already lifted my luggage and fit it nicely into the overhead compartment. I blush slightly at his gentlemanly gesture and turn away so he wouldn't notice the pink tinge on my cheeks.

I stand in the aisle waiting for Mr Toilet Guy to make his next move, but he just mirrors my actions. Just as I'm starting to get confused as to why he was doing that, he says with a laugh, "I believe the window seat's yours." That only makes my blush deepen and I hurriedly scramble into the innermost seat, by the window. Mr Toilet Guy sits down gracefully next to me. "Before I forget, I just wanted to ask for your name," he says as he grabs his book from the table in front of him. "It's, um, Maddie. Madison, I mean. Madison Ziegler. Just, um, call me, you know, Maddie," the mess of words tumblr out of my mouth. "Hi Maddie, nice to meet you. I'm Corey," he greets, smiling warmly and holding out his hand. I reach out a trembling hand to shake his. I'm shaking hands with my crush! Oh my god! Yes, I may have only know him for a few minutes, but I already have a huge crush on him. I'll marry this guy any day! "Well, I'd love to get to know you better, Maddie. But I'm sure you're gonna want to do whatever you need to do and get some rest before we land in New York, so I'm gonna just leave you to yourself and carry on with my book," Corey says as he lets go of my hand. I'd like to get to know you more too, Corey! But he's already buried in his book before I get to voice my reply.

For the whole of the flight, I read the book I've brought along with me, stealing glances at Corey every twenty seconds or so. He's just there, unaware of my stolen looks, acting all casual and relaxed. So cool! I subconsciously start biting my nails in nervousness, failing at all attempts to act as cool as Corey. The journey to New York sure turned out to be scarier than I expected. First, I was all alone. No Abby, no mom, no girls. Secondly, I was sitting alone next to a guy. A guy. Like, I might get raped. On a flight. Full of people. But lastly, the scariest fact of them all, was that I was sitting alone next to a guy named Corey who was drop-dead gorgeous and hot and cool. Gorgeous enough to make me sweat and tremble. Boy, this sure was turning out to be the most nerve-wrecking flight I've ever had to endure.


By the time we finally landed in New York, I was all tensed up. As Corey stood up to get off the flight, he looked back at me and smiled that smile that made my world stop. "Hope we meet again, Maddie," he says with a friendly nod before walking away. I smile dreamily at his diminishing figure. I hope we meet again too, Corey.

When I step out into the vast arrival hall, I immediately catch sight of Chloe and Josh. Chloe dashes towards me excitedly with Josh trailing behind her. "Maddie, you're finally here! I've missed you so much!" she exclaims as she engulfs me in a tight hug, making it hard to breathe. "Uh, Chlo Chlo, can't breathe," I gasp. Chloe quickly lets go of me and smiles at me apologetically. Josh steps between Chloe and me. "Nice to see you again, Maddie," he says with a welcoming smile as he gives me a quick hug. I smile, a little shyly, back at him. Nobody else knows this, but I've had a crush on Josh since I first met him when I was two. Back then, the other girls used to leave me out and tease me since I was younger, but Josh always stood up for me and made them shut up. He's with Chloe now and I'd be lying if I said they weren't the cutest couple on Earth and I wasn't happy for them, but I won't ever forget what he did for me.

As we head to Josh's car, Chloe fills me in with the latest news. Apparently, Kendall's filming her debut TV series and Paige is busy with the crazy loads of projects she has to do. Chloe also tells me Phillip Hanson is in the Joffrey Ballet School as well. Phil has been my crush since he transferred to Franklin Regional in seventh grade. He's cute and hilarious, yet also sweet and caring. He was the one who I used to talk to when I was upset and he'd cheer me up every time. Knowing that I'll definitely see him at school gives me mixed feelings. On one hand, I'm excited to meet him again, but on the other hand, I'm nervous about being around me crush. I sigh quietly. When did my life get so complicated again?

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Oooooh Maddie's three-timing! Don't you wonder what's going to happen next ;D

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