Chapter 8

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"No Kendall! I don't have time for boys, I've got to focus on dance!" I exclaim into the phone after Kendall asked if I was going out with Phil. "Well I was just asking! Besides, you guys were my otp!" she defended. "Well it's never gonna become reality," I informed her. Kendall starts to argue back, but I'm distracted by another incoming call. "Tell you what, I text you later and we can arrange a date to meet up in person where I can personally inform you that I'm not dating anybody. Bye Kendy!" I quickly wrap up before cutting Kendall's line and picking up the new one from a number I didn't recognize. "Hello, Maddie Ziegler speaking," I politely greet. "Hey Maddie, It's Phil! Never thought you'd still have the same number," Phil's voice greets back. I freeze, my eyes widening in shock. Phillip Hanson was calling me! "Hello?" Phil called out. I must have blanked out. "Sorry, did I miss something?" I ask apologetically. "I just asked if you wanted to meet up at that little coffee house down your street this evening to hang out, that's all," he repeats. My eyes widened even more. Phillip Hanson asked me out!! "So, what d'ya say?" Phil asks. "Sure! I'd love to!" I agreed, squealing internally. "Okay, I'll text you soon. Bye Maddie!"

I said bye back before hanging up, brimming with excitement. I immediately started jumping up and down, yelling and punching the air victoriously. "Keep it down Madison!" Chloe's angry voice yelled from her room. "Sorry Chlobird, I'm just too excited!" I apologize, continuing to squeal softly. Everything I just told Kendall was about to change.


I fiddled with the bottom of my denim jacket as I waited anxiously for Phillip to arrive. I was excited about meeting up with Phil, but also nervous. I wondered what he had to say. Finally, I catch sight of Phil's familiar figure approaching the coffee house. The bell tinkles as Phil pushes the door open and lets himself in. A few of the baristas greet Phil as he scan the coffee house for me. Looks like he's a familiar face around here. I give him a small wave to catch his attention and he finally notices me, his smile widening. "Hey Maddie! Nice evening, don't you think?" Phil comments casually as he takes his seat opposite me. "Yup, sure is!" I agree, a little too enthusiastically, making Phil chuckle.

We chat about everything, from dance, to life. I was really starting to enjoy Phil's company when I glanced at the ancient-looking clock hung up on the opposite wall and realized what time it was. Phil notices my glance and turns to look in the same direction. A moment later, he turns back with a small chuckle. "I thought you'd seen a ghost, but it was really just the time," he laughs. Then, he offers to send me home.

I was more than happy to spend more time with Phil, so when we drew up at Chloe's place, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. I thank Phil before placing my hand on the door handle, ready to exit the car. However, Phil tugs my arm, stopping me abruptly and forcing me to face him. "Maddie," he starts, a hint of nervousness in his voice, "I just wanted to let you know that I do like you." My heart flutters at his words, a smile spreading over my face. "I've liked you for awhile now," Phil continues, "ever since you fell on me in 6th grade." I laugh as that memory comes back to me. We were playing dodge ball when I stepped backwards only to find myself tripping over someone behind me. Turns out that it was Phil who I tripped over and I ended up falling flat on top of him. "So, Maddie Ziegler," Phil carries on, taking a deep breath, "will you be my girlfriend?" My heart stops in surprise. Did I hear correctly? Did my crush just ask me out? "Of- of course!" I exclaimed, overjoyed. Phil grins for a moment before he takes my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it. "Goodnight, girlfriend," he says quietly, a perfectly gleaming smile plastered on his face. "Goodnight, boyfriend," I whisper back, my heart skipping a beat as I said the words.


Though I got home pretty late, the television was still on and a half-awake Chloe sat on the couch, typing away on her laptop. "Hey Chloe," I greet, pulling off my jacket. "Where have you been?" Chloe asks, her eyes still pinned to her laptop while she reached out for a sip of coffee. "Out," I reply simply. "With who?" Chloe questions further. "Nobody you have to worry too much about," I tell her, not really wanting to discuss Phil now. Chloe nodded in response, her fingers already flying about the keyboard. "I'll be going to bed soon. Goodnight Chlobird, don't stay up too late," I say quietly before heading upstairs. Chloe just grunted in response, like I expected she would.

Outside of dance, Chloe also wrote for a celebrity magazine, mainly for dance related articles. Every time a new month was approaching and the deadlines neared, Chloe's stress level would fly up to a whole new level. Sometimes, she'd go days without talking to anyone, spending all her free time on perfecting her articles. If it was a busy month, she'd sometimes go with minimal food too. It was obvious that writing for the magazine was as important as dance to Chloe.

I quickly took a warm shower before crawling under the covers and grabbing my phone off the nightstand for my routine night time notification check. Just as I was almost done going through everything I needed to, a message notification popped up.

'Phil ❤❤: Hope you enjoyed the date! Have a good night's sleep, girlfriend! 💋'

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Two chapters in a night, but for a good reason. I thought I'd uploaded chapter 7 already, but apparently it didn't upload so that meant that there was no update last weekend. So to make up for that, here's a extra chapter this week. There'll be another chapter up in the weekend, which will hopefully be successful, so check back for that. That's all for now!

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