Chapter 18

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I subtly glance at Chloe and find her still giving me that look. The look she gets when she's trying to figure me out. I sigh quietly in annoyance and ignore her, deciding to just enjoy my hot chocolate. I take another sip of the delicious and thick drink before setting the cup down and pretending to admire it. I peek at Chloe again. Same old.

I can't take it any longer. I let out a loud sigh and lean back in my chair, meeting Chloe's eye.

"What?" I demand, crossing my arms.

"What do you mean what?" Chloe questions, playing innocent.

"Oh, come on! You've had that face for the last half hour. It's the one you get when you're reading me. Or trying to, at least." I roll my eyes at Chloe's unsubtleness as I pick my mug of delicious hot chocolate up to have a drink.

"Okay fine, I'll ask it," Chloe huffs, leaning towards me and pressing her palms on the table, "What's up with you and Corey?"

Immediately, I choke on my drink.

"There's nothing up with us!" I lie to her between coughs. Trust Chloe to ask crazy questions like that. I think she caused some hot chocolate to go up my nose ugh!

"Oh really? Then how come you're not even upset about breaking up with Phillip?" Chloe twirls a few strands of hair around her finger and stares expectantly at me, waiting for my explanation, as if I didn't just nearly die.

I cough a few more times to completely clear my respiratory system of sweet beverages before I reply. "I am upset! I cried that night, remember?"

"But it's only been three days and you're already here, shopping and laughing with me! I know when you're upset Maddie, even if you're trying to hide it, and right now, I don't think you are," Chloe objects.

"Okay, maybe I'm not actually that upset about our breakup, but what does this have to do with the Corey thing?"

"It has everything to do with 'the Corey thing'! Look, you're not upset about your breakup, which means maybe you're not actually in love with Phil. Maybe you're in love with someone else? Someone like-"

"Okay!" I interrupt, already knowing where this conversation was headed, "Okay, I get it. You think I like Corey."

"But don't you?"

Do I? Do I like Corey?

Corey face appears in my mind and he smiles a genuine smile, the one that makes his eyes twinkle brighter than the stars. He mouths some words. Do you like me?

"Maybe," I whisper, replying both Corey and Chloe.

Chloe's face lights up at my reply and she grabs my hands in hers, shocking me.

"Mads, you've got to tell him!" My eyes widen in shock and I pull my hands back.

"No way!"

"Yes way!"


"Why?" Chloe furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"Because... what if... he doesn't like me back?" I reply in a small voice.

"Trust me when I say this Maddie: he does like you back, I swear!" Chloe assures me.

"How can you be so sure?" I question doubtfully. Deep down inside, however, I hope that it's true. I hope that Chloe is right and Corey does like me.

"I just know, silly. I just know he does."

- - -

Filler chapter, sorry! So do you guys think Maddie will tell Corey about her feelings? Or will Corey beat her to it?

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