Chapter 10

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Chloe stepped forward and pressed her finger to the doorbell. The door flung opened almost immediately, revealing an excited Kendall. "Ohmygod guys, I'm so glad you're here!" she exclaimed as she pulled Chloe and me into a group hug. She complimented us on our dresses, which we returned before letting us go, greeting Josh with a loose hug.

I entered the house to find the lights dimmed down. There were silver streamers hanging everywhere and a disco ball was situated at the center of the room. The furniture had been cleared out to god-knows-where and there were cocktail tables scattered around the room. A satin-covered table sat at the opposite end of the room, a wide variety of food pilled on it. I was tempted to make a beeline for the food, but held back, not wanting to seem greedy, joining in Kendall and Chloe's conversation instead.

They were talking about the filming of the TV series Kendall was in. Kendall told us that it was a lot of fun and she got to work with some really amazing people. She did also mention that it was tiring too, though and she was glad they were done with it. That's what we were celebrating today: the wrapping up of Kendall's first TV series. As the time passed, guests started filing into the small house, forcing Kendall to excuse herself from our conversation periodically. One of the times Kendall left Chloe and I to greet a new flow of incoming guests, Josh decided that he was getting bored and took Chloe away with him, leaving me all alone.

I prodded my mocktail mindlessly with the straw in my hand, feeling slightly lonely as I watched various couples dancing the night away on the dance floor, wishing Phil was here. He apparently had some other stuff to deal with and could not be here, which was beyond disappointing. Even though he had apologized multiple times about it, I still felt a tinge of anger whenever I thought about his absence.

Kendall finally returned after awhile, slightly mad that Chloe had ditched me, which I simply laughed off. We ended up chatting about New York. "New York is an amazing place. It's where dreams come true," Kendall tells me, taking a sip of her mocktail. "No kidding, look where you are now, Kendall," I chuckled in agreement. "I'm sure you'll achieve your dreams here too. Isn't that the whole reason why we all left Pittsburgh to come here, to achieve our dreams?" Kendall says confidently. I shrug, not too sure about that. My dream was to become the principal ballerina for the company, but there were so many other talented girls there, like Chloe and Sophia, that I felt like I had no chance next to them. Sure, I'd clinched the main role for our Cinderella performance, but it might just be a one-time-off thing.

Just then, another bunch of people came flooding in and Kendall left me with a sigh and a promise to be back soon. I sucked on my straw, but the only thing that came up was air. I decided that I might as well go get a refill and take a look around the house while I'm at it as well. I grab my cup off the table and walked into the kitchen, where the lights were equally dim. There was someone else already there and I squinted as I made out his slightly muscular and tall figure. He was getting what I guessed was beer from one of the coolers and I watched him as I approached the trays of mocktails nearby, admiring the slight glint of the light against his muscles. Finally, when his cup was full, the mysterious guy straightened up and prepared to walk away. He noticed me there and paused before heading towards me.

I tried desperately to keep my heartbeats constant as I turned towards the trays of mocktails, studying them to cover up my nervousness. I could feel the person approaching me from behind and before long, he was standing just a meter away. This was it! I was going to turn to look into the beautiful eyes of the mysterious stranger! I took a deep breath before turning around, plastering a pleasant smile onto my face.

And meeting the eyes of the exact person I did not want to see.

- - -

[ yay for 10 chapters of New York Dreams! ]

Who do you think that was?? Any guesses??

Kendall, Maddie and Chloe's outfits are up above so check them out (hope you like them!)

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