Chapter 15

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I nod automatically as Sophia tells us about her newest dancewear collection, not really paying attention to her words. I'm too busy wondering about Corey. It's been two weeks and he still hasn't turned up. I've asked Chloe if she knows where he's been, but all she says is that she doesn't, but knows he'll be okay. How can she be so sure?

"The pieces are mostly orange and red so they suit the season, but there are also some black ones. Oh, I've finally decided to add leotards to my collection too! Maesie helped me design this black leo with a red lining. It's got cool cuts on the sides as well," Sophia excitedly tells us, gesticulating wildly with her arms. Having been quiet for most of her monologue, I decide to be polite and give a little response.

"That sounds nice Soph! Can't wait to see all those pieces you've—" I'm cut off by Chloe's gasp, making me turn me eyes on her. I follow her wide-eyed stare, then gasp myself.

Corey came back.

Chloe quickly gets up and hurries over to him, engulfing him in a huge hug. A smile fills Sophia's face as well and she runs over to join the reunion. The edges of my mouth tilt up a little too and I push my palms against the floor to push myself up.

Suddenly, a wave of uncertainty comes over me. What if Corey doesn't want to see me? He did try to avoid me at the café, didn't he? Maybe I did something that upset him and he doesn't want to be friends anymore?

With those thoughts in mind, I plonk back to the ground instead. I didn't think he'd want me hugging him. Besides, if he did want it, he'd come find me, right?

I push away my thoughts and return my attention to the trio. Which has now become a duo. Sophia had left the other two and they were deep in a conversation. Corey said something to Chloe and she patted his shoulder comfortingly, earning a sad smile from Corey.

I couldn't help but wonder what it was that Corey had told Chloe. Maybe they were closer than I thought.


"Thank you," I say with a small smile as I took my change from the cashier and carried my tray. My eyes scan the area for empty tables, but the cafeteria was already filled to the brim with students. There was no space to sit. Oh wait, there was.

At Corey's table.

Corey was sitting all alone and slowly munching on one of the cafeteria's overpriced sandwiches. I still wasn't sure if Corey and I were fine, but I didn't have much of a choice regarding where to sit, so I took a deep breath and walked over to his table.

"Hey Corey," I greet nervously with a forced grin when I'm within his earshot. Corey's head snaps up and my eyes meet his unsettled ones. Corey immediately shoots up from his seat and grabs his trash. "Um, I was just about to leave, so you can have this table," he mutters quickly before attempting to leave.

"Wait, Corey!" I order, grabbing Corey's arm as he passed me. Corey freezes. I step back so we're face-to-face and try in vain to meet his eyes, which were wandering everywhere else.

"Are we still friends?" I ask quietly. Corey finally meets me eyes. "Of course we are," he assures me. "Then why are you keeping something from me? Why are you avoiding me?" I continue, confusion lacing my voice. Corey sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "It's complicated, Maddie. I have a dark background you wouldn't want to know about," he finally replies.

I open my mouth to contradict him, but before I could get the words out of my mouth, he leaves quickly without even saying goodbye.

- - -

This seemed like a pretty long chapter on word but it's a lot shorter on here. My feelings are cheated. I'm also running out of chapters to post so I gotta start writing again eek.

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