Chapter 14

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It's been a little more than a week since I saw Corey at the coffee house, but I still haven't stopped wondering about him. The fact that he no longer turns up at dance doesn't help my worry much either. I sighed as I roll onto my stomach in the splits. Though I appeared to be stretching, my focus was actually on Corey and his mysterious disappearance.

I'm not sure how long I was trapped in my thoughts, making me oblivious to my surroundings, but by the time I finally returned to reality, the room was already filled with people milling around and chattering. With the peaceful silence of solitude gone, I had no choice but to push my thoughts away for the moment.

Chloe and Sophia walked in at that moment, followed by Mrs Blaise. I caught Chloe and Sophia's eyes for a moment before they turned and gave each other a worried look. Luckily, they didn't have time for idle chat since Mrs Blaise called us all together. I automatically joined the other girls on the floor as she began to talk.

We practiced some fairly simple ballet combos in class, but I just couldn't execute them well. I kept landing wrong on my leaps, sickling on my extensions and falling out of my turns.

I sighed exasperatedly as I tried the same turn combo for the third time and failed once more.

"Miss Ziegler, have you put on the wrong pointe shoes? Perhaps those shoes have some evil in them that messes with your dancing?" Mrs Blaise comments, making the class laugh. My face turned a bright pink and I lowered my gaze and brushed my non-existent hair out of my face habitually.

"If you cannot master such a simple combo, then you shouldn't be in my class. And much less, in the Cinderella production," Mrs Blaise continued, a hint of disapproval in her voice. My eyes widened at her words. Did she just threaten to take me out of the production?

"I'm sorry Mrs Blaise, I'm just a little off today. I promise this won't happen again!" I apologize quickly. Mrs Blaise shook her head.

"It'd better not. I want nobody but the best in this class! If you can't execute a simple turn sequence like that and come out of all your leaps wrong, then you jolly well get out of my class," she reprimanded, crossing her arms. I nod before getting waved off from the group.

I watch as the other dancers get called up to execute the different combos, feeling a little left out. After that episode with Mrs Blaise, she never called me up again. While everyone was out there practicing, all I could do was sit a watch. A few girls sent me judging glances and a few even snickered when they were around me, which was pissing me off.

Finally, Mrs Blaise ended the lesson. After saying our thank yous, all of us headed to change our shoes. I reluctantly joined Chloe, Sophia and Phil, who were sitting at the front corner of the room. When I walked over, an awkward silence fell, but I simply ignored it and sat down wordlessly. Chloe has been this way lately, avoiding me and ignoring my existence. Now, apparently, Sophia and Phil were in on it too.

I feel Phil edging closer to me, but I decide to concentrate on my shoes instead. When he is close enough, Phil nudges me, forcing me to look up.

"What's wrong?" he asks. His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes are filled with worry, tempting me to tell him everything. But I couldn't talk to my boyfriend about another boy, could I?

"Nothing's wrong, everything's fine," I replied with a fake smile. Phil raises an eyebrow, prompting me to tell him, but I simply keep the smile and send him a shrugged before returning my attention to my shoes. A few moments of silence followed and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"You know what Maddie?" Phil abruptly says. The tone of his voice was enough to make me meet his furious eyes. Phil waits a moment before he continued, "I wish you would just tell me. I mean, isn't that what boyfriends are for? To confide in? You used to do just that, tell me everything, but what has changed? You're making me feel so useless and unwanted and if you're going to give me this attitude, then I quit. I'm not going to help you with all your little baby issues any more. I'm done."

Phil gets up and stomps away, but I simply returned to untying my pointe shoes. Maybe you are unwanted.

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Early update because I'm not sure if I'll have time over the weekend to publish. Sorry that this is such a crappy chapter everything just feels off! I'll try to write more when I get inspiration so they turn out better next time!

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